Devin was sitting on cloud nine this morning as he walked into the precinct with his brand new motorcycle helmet. After a few years of going back and forth he had finally decided it was time to get back into the motorcycle game. A few sales stops later and he was riding to work in a Triumph Bonneville he bought from a collector. Savannah, was a thing of true beauty and even though he had only had her for the past two days Devin loved the bike more than any other inanimate object in his life including his gun and badge. He tossed his helmet in his locker and quickly took a shower before changing into his suit and tie. The last few cases he and Dan had worked on were starting to pick up and get close to trial and he had to attend a few depositions later today. Rules are you either wear your uniform or suit and tie and Devin was starting to enjoy dressing up a little more than he used to. Still loves his hoodie and jeans look so it wasn’t a concern for most just yet. He entered the bullpen to see Dan at Harpers desk and his on loan partner chatting. He had guessed that Harper was going to be in today as it was on his calendar that she had her drug test. He walked up to the two of them and held out a box of donuts. “Who wants to be a stereotype this morning?” He said with a smile. The mess that was formerly known as Harper’s immaculately kept desk had been an eye sore for Devin. Normally the only things that cluttered up her desk was his paperwork, but now that he was dealing with someone who was even messier than him he had realized it was up to him to keep things organized. The battle had been faltering as they more than once misplaced a casefile. He put his hand on the small of Harpers back and gave her a sideways hug that was both minor but intimate. Since it was widely known the two had kept it mostly professional at the office with the rush of the possibility of getting caught losing some of the luster. Since Jordan’s advice and they went on actual dates things had been moving along well and he felt comfortable with things. “Your monthly dose of pain deserves something presented to the altar.” Devin said motioning to the sugar pastries and Harpers date with the needle vixen. “I still think it is sort of bogus that Jordan can’t do it just because of the chain of evidence.” He mused as they quickly as he had moved away from the topic of his ex. “We have to be at the courthouse in an hour… Want to meet over at gang task force for lunch?” Dan asked the two after looking at his watch and figuring out the traffic.