[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/cILISdu.png[/img] Homurahara Courtyard(Banquet of Kings), Academy [@BB] [@over Illusion] [@reallydumb] [/center] He could still remember her face after all these years. She was crying, but he did not understand why she was. He could only continue to advance, against the odds, and take the world for himself. It was all the thief who had lost his ability to use a bow could do. But she was always waiting for him with a smile and a “welcome home!” and if that wasn’t enough to keep going, she would comfort him, though he would never thank her for her troubles. In the end, he would fight and fight and fight, even after she had passed. Without once thanking her. Without once telling her his true feelings. “You are to leave, Slave. If you die before I say it is okay to die, then be prepared for me to follow you to the afterlife to seek my revenge,” Timur told his Slave, placing his hand upon the top of her head and rustling her well-kept hair a bit before he had turned towards the “invader” of the party. Not the cute girl that had escaped. As long as a girl was cute, she had reason to be alive. Timur was a feminist, after all. Someone who believed that all women could be saved. That all women could save. No, this was towards the goliath that stood before Timurlane. The being of ruin. The one that would bring death and destruction to the ritual he had been summoned to take part in. He would protect her. Granting her control of a small portion of his forces, he would protect her. “The grail is mine, but a King mustn’t lie to his Slave. I had promised to take it with my hands, and when I say I am going to do something, it is already done. This city, the grail ... I won’t let this man take from me what is properly mine!” And with that… A shot rose out from Timur. A sword. And then two. And then four. Eight Sixteen. Until there were many weapons “grasped” outwards from his body. “You are an abomination, you know that? You take from others so that you may keep everything for yourself. Don’t think you have the right to make the rules here, Hero,” the voice of Timur rose out. Though the savage king was always haughty and overbearing over others, this was the first time one might have felt genuine fear from a single, articulated sentence. All shots aimed towards his opponent intending to skewer the man who had lead ruin to the world itself. No matter how long “Hercules” waited there, no shot made it’s hit towards him. ...Instead, the figure of who was most certainly the Master of “Hercules” was the target! His elephants and their guns were pointed towards “Hercules”. If he were to move, he would not hesitate to stop any aggression he could come up with, regardless of what it could be. “EVEN IF YOU ARE THE GREATEST HERO OF THE WORLD, I AM THE MAN WHO DEVOURS HEROES! YOU DARE GIVE ME YOUR DAMN ORDER, BASTARD! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?” Who was standing there was no longer the person who had stood at the forefront of the banquet. His figure was surrounded by opaque darkness that consumed even the deepest recesses of sharnoth itself. Someone that “consumed”... perhaps the two were kindred spirits. Hell, Timur might have even considered the man a “friend”. But there can only be one person that can bring the world to salvation [ruin], and like his love for women, Timur would never share his world with anyone else! "I won't let you save anyone, hero. Despair!" He was no longer the King of Thieves all those years ago. He was now the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3Ofvi3dB9M]Demon Lord[/url]. [center] [img] https://i.imgur.com/2A9cjmL.jpg [/img] [/center]