[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/t3kp4zp.png[/img] [sub][@BrokenPromise][/sub][/center] The Sword-Demon wheezed, her whole body shaking as tendrils of corroded metal seeped out from the feasting blade. The memories, the regrets, the sorrows, the character behind the meal didn’t matter now, only the meat and the might. Vestiges of necromantic energy gave Billy a fermented texture, while the bones offered a satisfying crunch. The rejuvenation of his once-gray flesh was delightful too, as succulent as a newborn’s meat. Wonderful. Having been denied a meal for so long, the Sword could only exalt into its Wielder’s mind the sheer pleasure of a big meal after a months-long fasting. Amaryllis grabbed onto that pleasure, that twisted positivity, and in the deluge of her rage and fear, her insecurities and her grudges, she pulled herself towards it. The Sword-Demon quaked once more, silvered ivies bursting from the ground to grapple her limbs, and as she struggled, rusted roses sprouted from her horns, breaking them off. A flash of moonlight, a, unhallowed scream, and finally, Amaryllis was herself again, the cleaver-beast reverting back into an eloquent saber. Every bone in her body throbbed, but with some effort, the Knight of Rose stood up again, her Healing Artifact humming as it removed what wounds it could. She really [i]was[/i] out of practice, huh? [color=778899]“Worry not, Beast Tamer,”[/color] Amaryllis began, trying for an eloquent flourish even when she felt like she just deadlifted a schoolbus full of rhinos, [color=778899]“I’ve not been conquered by my inner demons yet. But from where do [i]you[/i] hail?”[/color] She gave the mobster-looking fellow another, more searching glance. If there was anyone here that could be working for the Mint, he'd be the one whose looks fit the bill the most, huh? [color=778899]"And for what purpose do you appear?"[/color]