Kijani wailed into Adam's chest, trying to control the noise of pure anguish pouring from her throat. Her family, her friends, her home, it was all just snuffed out in an instant. She felt weak, so weak and cold inside, as if a part of her had been torn out with the death of Alderaan. "Okay?" She couldn't look at Adam. "How could it possibly be okay? It's... it's gone, it's all gone -" She hiccuped, trying to control the tears. "Everything I know and love. I didn't even get to say goodbye, I didn't-" This started a fresh wave of tears. It took her several minutes to calm down enough to pull away from Adam, and even then she looked very shaky. "This is my fault. I know it is. The Empire is trying to break me." She paused, staring at her shaking hands. "...they might have." Then she too, heard Han from the cockpit. "Alderaan only has 1 moon, but it shouldn't quite be visible from where the ship is. What's going on?"