[hr][hr][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/385594716634349588/671606651916124170/884049d57384709b3f87a3df2da1d176.png[/img][hr][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@Morose][@Skai][/center][hr] [color=D3BEEA]"Oh my dear, you won't have to worry about all of that... What I want in return will all be revealed in due time. But right now we must act quickly if you want to also stop your friend there from dying of a heart attack,"[/color] Spiral said with a bit of a smirk, before she waved one of her arms towards Watts on the ground. [color=A4FFFC]"She's right about that. Using that serum so much might have caused him to have a heart attack and right now we don't have much time to help him,"[/color] Sapphire said, nodding her head slightly to acknowledge Arthur's thanks as she went over to check on Watts. [color=A4FFFC]"Odds are he'll be dead soon if we don't do something!"[/color] [color=D3BEEA]"Once again, I can help you with that... Though you might not like the way I might go about things,"[/color] she said with a sly smile, glancing over towards Deathstrike, who gave her a bit of a smirk in response. Spiral snapped her fingers, and a portal opened up behind her. [color=D3BEEA]"I must warn you, where we're going, you have no idea how things work, and a bit of advice... Learn how the world works rather quickly. Otherwise you'll never get back here."[/color] With those final words, the portal turned more into a bit of a vortex, and Spiral just sort of smiled a bit at the group. [color=D3BEEA]"You'll find out soon enough what I want in return, but for now, let's get going."[/color] She stepped through the vortex, and literally everyone in the room would suddenly be yanked through the portal. They'd find themselves in a rather large room, technology of all sorts lined the walls and several tables. There was a large monitor at the very front of the room. A large chair of sorts was at the very front of the room, and there was someone sitting in it that they weren't able to really see from where they were. [color=D6DBA7]"So... Welcome back Spiral,"[/color] the figure in the chair spoke in a bit of a raspy sort of voice. [color=D3BEEA]"Yes, well things certainly have been more then a bit... Interesting back on Earth."[/color] [color=D6DBA7]"Did you bring anything useful for me?"[/color] Spiral glanced back at the others, and if they noticed, the other Sisterhood members were nowhere in sight. [color=D3BEEA]"...I suppose you can say that."[/color] [color=D6DBA7]"Excellent!"[/color] the figure said, before the chair whirled around and they'd see [url=https://terrigen-cdn-dev.marvel.com/content/prod/1x/50d9c2-mojo-master.jpg]this figure[/url] sitting there. [color=D6DBA7]"The show must go on!"[/color] he said with a laugh, before he slammed his fist down on a button, and there was a loud screeching sound of sorts, and eventually the entire group would be knocked unconscious. [hr][hr][center][h2][color=FFF44B]Meanwhile...[/color][/h2][/center][hr][hr] Despite popular belief, Rogue and Gambit actually [i]were[/i] doing something fairly productive with their time. They went through the entire rest of the facility while the others were dealing with the Sisterhood. They did run into more then a few people, mainly security guards and such, and managed to wipe out the entire computer system, but not before Rogue had seen about making a copy of the files to see what else they could find on the group. However, one thing was apparent, after a while, they realized that there was no one else in the facility, the entire rest of the team, had just disappeared. [color=CFFF5C]"Where the hell could everyone have gone off to? The plane's still here and all, but the entire team just vanished,"[/color] Rogue said, coming back over after having flown around outside. [color=A41E45]"Not sure, mon amie. No answer on comms either."[/color] [color=CFFF5C]"Well I mean... Who all do we know were here? Aside from our team, the people who we were trying to stop or whatever?"[/color] she asked him looking up at the now empty building for the most part. [color=A41E45]"Probably a few more mindless civilian goons,"[/color] Gambit reckoned. [color=CFFF5C]"...Wait, no... Oh crap, I have an idea, and it isn't a very nice one and I for one would [i]not[/i] want to be in their shoes if I'm right..."[/color] [color=A41E45]"Oui, belle?"[/color] [color=CFFF5C]"Use ya head Remy! Spiral was here, we saw her, so why the hell would she be here of all places? Why would she want anything to do with anythin' goin' on round here? Typically she doesn't."[/color] [color=A41E45]"I dunno mon amie, ah figure maybe she was getting tired of being Mojo's bitch."[/color] Rogue proceeded to smack him upside the head, [color=CFFF5C]"Or she made a bit of a portal and sent them to Mojoworld! Where else could they all have gone? No one else coulda taken them all away in one fell swoop and cause them ta disappear!"[/color] [color=A41E45]"Mais.... Why?"[/color] [color=CFFF5C]"I don' know, but since when has anyone ever learned why Spiral, or Mojo for that reason, do anythin'? For all we know, she took an opportunity and went with it. She kinda does her own thing... Well it doesn't matter, we can't do anything for them here, we can't get to Mojoworld ourselves easily... So maybe we see about headin' back to Serval and doin' damage control? Since the team is gone and I saw a car nearby that belonged to Gardner, so odds are she's MIA too. Meaning we probably should see about doin' somethin' there."[/color] [hr][center][h1][b][i][color=A4FFFC]Demetria Clarke[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/bb7d6fd8fd6a159a442a8d94ff49ddb315505ec3/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f585778445579554b31542d3569773d3d2d3639333339393438332e313538316533386633323636363830623138353831323436313331362e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img][/center][hr][center][color=A4FFFC][b]Location:[/b][/color] Unknown [color=A4FFFC][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Cryokinesis[/center][hr] Sapphire didn't remember what happened after Spiral opened up the portal and essentially yanked everyone through it, aside of course from a shadowy figure who sat there talking to Spiral. The first thing she really remembered was being in a chair in a kitchen of sorts, with what looked to be a cup of hot chocolate in front of her. She had no memory of how she got there, or even waking up entirely. Just all of a sudden she was conscious and sitting at a table in a weird place she had never been in before. [color=A4FFFC]"Hello? Anyone there?"[/color] she called out slightly, getting up from the table, but then she actually looked down and noticed that something was horribly wrong. Somehow, she had been turned into a kid, and was somehow in a weird place, no idea of what was going on. Looking back on what exactly had happened before, she remembered the entire conversation that they had with Spiral before being pulled through that portal. Personally, she didn't know too much about the person that Spiral was, or what it was that she had done, but this was beyond weird. How was she a kid, and where the hell was she? Another thought worried her that concerned her, and she looked down at her hands, before managing to create a frost like effect. Okay, so that was something, she still had her powers, despite the fact that she hadn't actually gotten her powers until she was a freshman in high school. So whoever had caused all of this, wanted her to have her abilities still. When she called out, there was someone else who'd be able to hear her, but she didn't know that the other person was there. That person would be Casey, who'd find herself sitting on a couch of sorts in what looked like a living room. She'd be able to hear Sapphire's words, and there was the obvious sound of confusion in her words. Elsewhere in the what by now appeared to be a [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/385594716634349588/672932925867819009/wzJffA9W9TuSfTWBeQTdzVk_ZQXv2Mi4W3SRIfEX3jRsVwe0a41NG-8pnMPnPpVkrVB4poAFIesbWg9sc3xSROoz_HN63lTt2x5w.png]house[/url] and yard of sorts, the other members of X-Factor would start to be able to function and move about. Belladonna would find herself outside, sitting underneath a tree, and there was only one building obviously for what looked to be miles and it was a rather large house. She had with her a kid sized sword in a sheath, as well as what appeared to be a morning star near her. Elara would find herself on a bench along a pathway nearby. From where they were, both of them would be able to see the other, though there was some bit of a distance between them on that side of the yard. On the other side of the house, outside as well, Arthur and Evelyn would find themselves right next to each other ironically. They both were by what almost looked like an archery range. Arthur would see what looked like a smaller version of the typical bow and quiver that he carries around nearby, and Evelyn would see throwing knives nearby as well. Looked like they might have been expected to actually have target practice or something. Then there was Watts. He'd find himself waking up on a couch in what looked to be a cluttered lab of sorts. There were bits of machinery scattered around the room, and he'd be able to hear nearby on the other side of the room [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GB2yiIoEtXw]music[/url] playing and the sounds of someone messing with a few things in that direction. There suddenly was a loud crash coming from that side of the room, [color=303DFF]"Ow!"[/color] a child's voice said, before there was the sound of someone picking everything up.