(Will do coding later. Currently on mobile.) Morgan made her way through the crowd at the party, grabbing a drink I from the table as she gave Aria a thank you for hosting. While she and Aria had never spoken that much, she had heard good things about the blonde. Morgan had grabbed a green apple Smirnoff that she was currently sipping on as she scanned the crowd for familiar faces. She spotted Lana, Eli and Minty talking together (she adored their friendship), as well as Jordan and another young man she was pretty sure she had never seen before. How did he get an invite? Was he new? Morgan planned to find out. Making her way over to the scene, Morgan was surprised to feel someones arms wrap around her from behind. As her fight or flight instinct turned on, Morgan felt her heart beat fast from the burt of adrenaline her body had given her - right up to the moment she heard a familiar voice. The friendly kiss sending butterflies fluttering in her stomach, Morgan turned to see her best friend Jenna. Returning the girls smile, she gave her a hug of her own. "Jenna!", she exclaimed. "I'm so sorry we haven't hung out that much this first week. It's been so hectic trying to juggle streams, babysitting and school has taken some adjustment." She wrapped her arms around Jenna tightly one last time. It felt like it had been forever since they had seen each other - and it had. They had to work through some things, and they required time apart. Morgan hadn't realized just how much she had missed her friend until now though. "How have you been?"