"Ah?!" The sound came, unbidden, from Sophie's lips, as someone considerably larger than herself stumbled into her from behind. The impact rattled her armor and caused her stagger forward, nearly colliding with the wall. In that instant, fury almost immediately rose in her heart. Really?! He couldn't possibly see that there was someone there?! Only an idiot would manage to miss that entirely. Only someone truly, completely, and utterly stupid could possibly fail to realize that there was someone there and that they shouldn't charge up like a complete moron! The small, purple-haired girl was aware that one of the guild workers, obviously a Nem, had already begun to lay into him. When she turned around, it didn't take too long for her to realize who it was. That oversized, stupid dog! Why was he so tall!? Weren't hundi supposed to be short?! Needless to say, the rapidly-mounting anger building up in the core of Sophie's small frame required some kind of immediate release. "You idiot!" snapped the diminutive adventurer, "Couldn't you see someone was here already?! Hmph! As if a true adventurer would be so braindead and ignorant about their surroundings as to blunder around like that! If you have to get right up next to the board to look at the avaliable jobs, [i]wait your turn, moron[/i]!" With that, the Sophie rounded on her heel, her gaze now so intensely fixed on the board that she was practically staring a hole through it. Anyone even slightly familiar with the axe-wielding adventurer would know that she was rather tempermental, so perhaps this wasn't exactly surprising. [@Derg2][@ghastlyInc]