[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200115/0e52d7799c4b4d7e91ea3d6f3a11ef3b.png[/img] [color=lightgray][h3][color=AD2841]Interactions:[/color][@dwyer austin][@Yam I Am][/h3][/color][/center][hr][hr] [color=lightgray]Rosie had smiled sheepishly as Maxi informed her not to be sprinting all over the base. There was just too many things to do and places to see, but knowing her luck she would probably crash right into one the most important person here and knock them over. Of course that meant that the chance for any shenanigans was completely out of the window. The last thing she wanted is to make their superiors mad at Maxi. Though by the look on big sis's face, that order was more of a suggestion than a absolute command. Even so, Rosie was going to try her absolute best to behave because she didn't want to her leave the friends she made her already. Those thoughts were quickly supplanted by the call of breakfast. [color=AD2841]"Yes! I wonder what on the menu? Pancakes? Oooohh maybe eggs? AHHHhhh what if its eggs ANNNDDDD bacon?"[/color] She excitedly exclaimed walking up to Maxi. [color=AD2841]"Don't feel so bad, Austin! You're not old yet!"[/color] A small giggled escaped her lips as she darted towards the hall. It didn't matter how many times that it was not eggs and bacon, Rosie was always hopefully optimistic that it would be waiting for her in the mess hall. Waking up Rosie was like turning on a switch. The energetic soldier slept like a rock with very few ways of actually waking her up. However, Rosie practically would spring out of bed the moment you did get her awake with a tank full of energy. The idea that some very powerful people were walking the grounds of the base didn't really float around in her mind save for Maxi's orders. Besides that, this was just another day. Once Breakfast was over, she was going to go for her morning run which normally was around 3 kilometers before hitting the showers. That was on a normal day. With special circumstances like today, she might have to cut it down to 2 kilometers. [/color]