Blake nodded to himself when the dark-haired girl said nothing more in response to him and turned her attention to Blair, who was seemingly attempting to play innocent after that bit of attitude she had shown earlier. It was clear that the former had lost interest in him, instead choosing to target Blair because of her unconvincing statement, but he figured that nothing good could have come out of keeping her attention anyway, at least for now. The scientist had an answer for her that admittedly scared him a little. It was not exactly up to them how quickly they could learn to control their abilities, or how well they could use them. His eyes widened slightly at the reply, but he quickly looked back down at his plate to distract himself from the topic. While he observed the piece of meat, which was still sizzling slightly, something other than his heightened sense of smell seemed to be going off around his nasal area. The signals being sent to his mind was making him aware of every tiny drop of juice splattering from the meat. He could sense them cooling off as they each hit a surface. The temperature of the steak itself was suddenly strangely apparent to him. A biological heat sensor, it had to be. It was pretty cool, but he wondered how it would help him in any way. Currently, however, he should... get to eating his food. The others had dug in, and he would just be the weird one staring at things if he did not at least try to ignore what his senses were doing to him. [@Always] [@KatherinWinter]