Midoriya looked at the back of Nensu, who was leading fhe class bravely. Her dual hair swayed and mixed in her trail like a tornado of two colors. She was brave, and strong. Like her brother she had good control over her powerful quirk, and was arguably one of the leaders of the class. Or at least that was what the boy thought. He caught up with Nensu as they charged forward. They couldn't just blindly charge and blast shenever they ran into an obstacle. They needed at least a single instruction to go by as they made their way to the camp. He wasn't really familiar with being thrown into a monster filled forest, so he decided to consult with Nensu. "Nensu san, do you have any plan in mind?" He asked. "It might not be a good idea to charge blindly." Hiems simply nodded as he saw Momo approach him with a staff in hand. They couldn't spend forever smashing monsters after all. They had to go through the forest to reach the camp where they'll do summer camp stuff. And hopefully some fun stuff too. "Alright." The boy answered. Ice armor grew around him as he concentrated his quirk.