[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/442796000676151296/668888859043692545/head3.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/442796000676151296/668896209456594944/name.png[/img][hr] [@Krayzikk] [@HereComesTheSnow] [@Heartfillia] [@Derg2] [hr][/center] With deft fingers Cassia plucked the offered pastry from Sigi's upturned palm, giving the large-sworded woman a warm smile in thanks. Before her eyes narrowed and glared at the maddeningly empty abyss beneath Tristram's hood. Wordlessly, she slid the rest of the confection into her mouth, never once breaking eye contact. Or, never breaking eye contact to the best of her abilities given the fact that she couldn't exactly [i]see[/i] any hint of eyes from the stingy archer. Until Cassia pivoted on her heel, twirrling to the right to face those who had made their way over to the small group. "[color=orange]Mmmph, mmhmmph![/color]" Cassia mumbled in agreement at Sigi's assertion, her fiery hair dancing back and forth as she nodded. "[color=orange]Mmmmmm[i]waagoadventure[/i].[/color]" Her unwillingness to open her mouth until the pastry was absolutely gone complicated things.