[center] [url=https://fontmeme.com/celtic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200120/2084ccbc454d380fdc3de51079d08dc1.png[/img][/url] [hr][hr] [@Caasicam][@Krayzikk][@HereComesTheSnow] [/center] Finns broad and bright smile suddenly turned forced as an eye started to twitch at the sight of...Tristram. It was not hard to pick out in a tavern which looked like a moving mound of dirt and moss. Oh how that guy bugged him to no end. Always acting like he was better than him just because he can make long shots with ease. He looked away from dungheap to Sieglinde who was giving him a smile. His natural smile returning. Sieglinde was always kind to those around her. Just having one of those comforting Aura’s. She was also a six of swords as well! However he never really had a chance to really talk to her, She always hung around Cassia and the pile of rubbish for jobs, and he would normally be on a different job when they were back at the guild. However before she answered, the racket got worse as Sophie went off on the guy. The girl was a firecracker who had even yelled at him a few times, for whatever reason. He thought it was cute and when he mentioned it it only made her angrier for some reason. She was an odd one for sure. He glanced over to see the large hundi looking quite sad. Finn felt a pang of guilt for chuckling earlier, He never saw how it affected Rex like that. Finn had thought the massive guy like him didn’t care about what people thought with his energy. It seemed he was wrong. Perhaps he could help him out with his clumsiness and strength control. Sieglinde started to speak and he quickly looked back. He chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his head when she called him Mr. Reinheart. It sounded weird to him. He always had everyone just call him Finn. Mr. Reinheart just was too formal and reminded him of his dad. He felt a little gut punch as she mentioned Dungheap was there possibly to go on an adventure with her. But he ignored that fact as she mentioned Cassia could use the work, and that she could go for one as well. She was open to working with him! That made him elated being able to work with a Beautiful woman with her experience and maturity he was sure to learn something from her… He looked to Cassia as she pivoted to face him. His heart flipped when the fellow half-elf nodded in agreement. Blinking a few times as she tried to speak with the pastry in her mouth. Hearing ‘go on adventure’ in the muffle. He chuckled as a smirk grew bigger. Normally he couldn’t stand people talking with their mouths full… but that was plain adorable. He never really saw this side of Cassia. Not for lack of trying, She always shut him down when he tried to team up with her. [i] [color=007236]Note to self, pack snacks...[/color] [/i] he thought to himself. [color=007236]”Awesome, thanks! This is gonna be great. ”[/color] He said excitedly putting his balled fists onto his hips as he looked at the two taller women. [color=007236]”Well once we decide which job to take, Ill buy you two a round of drinks to celebrate!” [/color] Clearly leaving out ‘Tristran’ of his offer. Trying to humor the guy and pretend he’s invisible.