[center][h2] Gavin Greshh [/h2][/center] Forced to go off script, I rack my brain for a good response. “The alternative was Galactic Annihilation! Do you not understand that your Chancellor, I’d left unchecked, would have caused death on such a scale that it made this war look like a minor street brawl? I regret those deaths, but all wars have casualties, and I believe the Republic has far more to answer for! Genocide for one...” [center][h2] Cosen Greshh [/h2][/center] While Gavin is arguing with the angry crowd, I get a ping of danger sense. Something nag very bad was about to happen. As I turn to Gavin to warn him, my danger sense flairs, and the spot on my head where I’d been concussed explodes with pain and nausea. [center][h2] Gavin Greshh [/h2][/center] I see Cosen gripping her head in pain out of the corner of my eye, and I turn away from the podium. “Sister? What is wrong?” For some reason, my own danger sense does not detect the movement behind me until it is too late. [center][h2] Gida Saxon [/h2][/center] I raise the barrel of my blaster carbine and squeeze the trigger. Before Gavin can react, I perforate his back with a rapid fire barrage, sending him crumbling into the podium. Immediately after, my squad of Saxon warriors rush to the foot of the stage and open fire on the crowd, targeting the Kham Rho and his associates, but also hitting bystanders unfortunate enough to be too close. “For Clan Saxon!!” [center][h2] Armond Organa [/h2][/center] My eyes widen, and I grip the railing tightly. “By the Force, what’s happening!?” I hear a blaster cock behind me, and I look over my shoulder to see Nor Saxon with his pistol to my head. [center][h2] Nor Saxon [/h2][/center] “Sorry, sir. Orders are orders.” Before I can pull the trigger, one of Organa’s guards throws themselves at me, causing me to miss my shot. Now in close combat, I extend a hidden blade from my gauntlet and repeatedly jab it into the guard’s side.