[right][h3][color=c1cdcd]Raine Provostus[/color][/h3][/right] [color=gray] Provostus remained speechless as the trio began the end of their ascent in the elevator, the mechanisms pulling and hauling the heft of the giant metal box along with its occupants. His eyes shifted to the face of his fellow hunter as he made some sort of statement to Adelicia - as if to explain himself. Raine new that what the other hunter said was true - there was no doubt about it. Beasts were just that - beasts. There was no reasoning with them, no befriending them, and [i]especially[/i] no saving them. It’d be like saving a human from being human. The two hunters grew visibly tense as the lift came to the end of its trek, Raine shifting his hand to the middle of his weapon and moving it up in front of him to grasp in both hands. The doors slid open as the duo prepared for any opposition that was on the other side. But the street was empty. Raine lowered his weapon to his side as he confirmed with his own scan that the area seemed clear. In hindsight, allowing himself to relax so readily was a rookie mistake. He watched as his older companion stepped from the lift, continuing his explanation before suddenly being interrupted and letting out a choked shout. Raine caught a flighting glimpse of the elongated, black claws that grasped the back of his ally’s hood - before they disappeared above the top of the elevator, accompanied by his companion. His instincts kicked in, the hunter stepping forward immediately at the disappearance of Victor, his weapon coming up into both hands as he heard the shot of the blunderbuss and the particles of the pellets hitting the stone in front of the lift. Raine stepped out of the metal box and turned, lifting and turning his head towards the top of it, only to be met with a flurry of movement as both Victor and the beast were launched in turn to the cobble below. Provostus was quick to adjust, turning back towards the creature with his weapon help in both hands, extended in front of him towards his foe. He stared at the black, tendril-covered beast, the glint of blood on its dark blade catching his eye. He looked over the long-limbed beast, his mind coming to remember its name and its nature. While he had not faced one of these beings in his many years as a hunter, being that they are seemingly quite rare, he had heard of their tales. But he wondered why it is [i]now[/i] that he is seeing one before his eyes - in a territory not unknown to him. His eyes shifted to Victor, behind the beast, lying quite a ways away. It had thrown him far - and judging by the blood upon its saber, had likely impaled him beforehand. But Raine didn’t pay it much mind. It was rare for a hunter to be felled in a single blow. But, that didn’t mean there was no caution to be had - any hunter could fall to any beast, should they forego it. His eyes shifted back to the creature, leaving it for no more than a second or two. His right foot shifted sideways, followed by the rest of him as he slowly stepped away from the confines of the elevator, keeping his eyes locked on the beast. Many a hunter were hyper-aggressive folk, but Raine was not one of them. One might say it’s because he’s been humbled by experience - or because he resists the beast-scourge’s aggressive nature - or even just due to his [i]own[/i] nature - but the veteran hunter finds strength in a reactive fighting style; waiting for his beastly opponents to make a mistake - which they often do in their hunger-bound, untrained attacks - before making them pay for it. His low, still-calm voice permeated the air as he slowly maneuvered, his knees slightly bent - ready to maneuver quickly. [color=C1CDCD]“Adelicia, close the door.”[/color] He said, no hint of warning or inflection in his tone, [color=C1CDCD]“If it approaches you, or fells us both at once - hit the button.”[/color] [hr][color=C1CDCD][center]Adelicia, Victor[/center][/color] [/color]