[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/J0GeLgG.png[/img][/center] [@ERode] [@Ariamis] [@Shifter_Master] A tense moment of energized expressions were all that Dawn could manage before their victory was shredded by the presence of another enemy. While FanFan had already begun dealing with the wolves during their fight, Endsinger was no doubt the greater threat, and she did not regret focusing on her. Dawn had moved to crouch beside Leena as she recoiled in upon herself on the ground, merely comforting for the moment as she had no healing expertise to utilize for another. The Nullification Field dropped, FanFan screamed, and Leena barked. The revving of an arcane engine rumbled in the background as Dawn once more returned to action. She flipped and spun, angling herself to drop her hammer of a sword onto the skull of the first clone that Leena could block. Viva's bike surged round the arena, its cracking engine interspersed with the sound of her gun unloading into the clones. The fallen guitar of Endsinger did indeed catch her eye, but the musical weapon was not something she could use, much less wanted to even touch. Besides, her eyes caught a different target. As Viva barreled for the corpse of Endsinger, Dawn was there to meet her. She launched into the air, slammed into the earth beside the corpse, and was already midway into a spinning slash close to the earth. It was aimed for the bike's wheels, hoping to stop Viva's ride in its tracks, but when it met with a solid object, it was not with rubber and steel. Dawn's attack crashed through the manifested ramp Viva had formed, all too late; the magical girl already got use out of the ramp, and was well on her way through the air. Dawn paused, watching as the rider screeched off into the city. The sound of Feral clones still mobbing Leena and FanFan ripped her attention back, and she returned to slaying at their sides.