[center][h2] Mand’alor the Risen [/h2][/center] When I hear Jerus’ message, I do not attempt to hide my anger. “I knew that snake would turn against me! Zar’kun and I will deal with Zarka here at the base. Jerus, do why you can to stop his renegade men.” I am not in my armor, at the moment, and I waste no time getting it. I only grab my gauntlets and my blasters. Otherwise I am in civilization clothes. [center][h2] Armond Organa [/h2][/center] I kneel beside my wounded bodyguard, the other one watching my back in case more Saxons attack. I have my small defensive blaster in hand as well. “We need to get out of here now!” [center][h2] Hunter Ordo[/h2][/center] Talion and I fire back at the Saxons on the stage, taking two down almost immediately. The others, seeing us, suddenly break off their attack. I can’t tell through their helmets, but their body language is that of surprise and confusion. Rather than attack us, they begin to retreat. “Go after them, Talion! I’ve got the leader!” I jump on stage and rush at Gida, who has his blaster aimed at Cosen Greshh. “Stop this madness in the name of Mand’alor!” [center][h2] Gida Saxon [/h2][/center] I turn, surprised at Kamari’s appearance. “Kam?! What are you doing?” [center][h2] Hunter Ordo [/h2][/center] “Stopping you, of course! This is against Mand’alor’s command! Stand down or I will shoot you!” [center][h2] Cosen Greshh [/h2][/center] Gida doesn’t get the chance to make that decision. My lightsaber springs into my hand and I slice his head clean off. With only an angry glare at Kamari, I dash to my brother, turning over his limp body. “No no no no!”