[hider=Blake De Stefano][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/EAqNHDq.png[/img][/center] [color=728395]Name[/color] [indent]Blake Alexander De Stefano[/indent] [color=728395]Nickames[/color] [indent]Only goes by Blake[/indent] [color=728395]Age[/color] [indent]20[/indent] [color=728395]Gender[/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=728395]Year[/color] [indent]Third[/indent] [color=728395]Reason of Admission[/color] [indent]Trustfund[/indent] [color=728395]Major[/color] [indent]Recently switched from Engineering to Accounting[/indent] [color=728395]Sexuality[/color] [indent]Mostly heterosexual[/indent] [color=728395]Relationship Status[/color] [indent]Recently single[/indent] [color=728395]Label[/color] [indent]Attractive Band Geek // Old-soul [/indent] [color=728395]Appearance Details[/color] [sub][h3][color=gray]┍[/color][/h3][/sub] [indent][b]》 Hair:[/b] Dirty Blonde | Short, tapered sides | Styled with a light-hold gel [b]》 Eyes:[/b] Hazel [b]》 Height:[/b] 6’2 [b]》 Body Type:[/b] Athletic // Toned [b]》 Clothing Style:[/b] Blake typically dresses for comfort. He sports denim jeans and a white t-shirt frequently. [b]》 Scars, Tattoos and/or Piercings:[/b] N/A[/indent] [right][sup][h3][color=gray]┙[/color][/h3][/sup][/right] [color=728395]Personality Traits[/color] [center]♦ [color=green]Trustworthy[/color] ♦ [color=green]Ambitious[/color] ♦ [color=green]Caring[/color] ♦ [color=green]Respectful[/color] ♦ [color=darkred]Depression[/color] ♦ [color=darkred]Introverted[/color] ♦ [color=darkred]Closed-off[/color] ♦ [color=darkred]Pessimist[/color] ♦[/center] [indent]Although Blake has the qualities of a morally good friend, he keeps his circle small and prefers to be left alone. He has a strong passion for his interests and enjoys the solitude of them. While he appreciates criticism with his art forms, he would rather be independent in his learning and enjoys being alone. As somebody who wears their heart on their sleeve, he feels as though he has nothing to show. What color there is of his personality is hard to find unless someone really got to know him. Many describe him as dull until meeting him further, unlocking his old-soul interests and his love for the arts. Blake considers himself to be a kind person, never disrespecting the next person, but never befriending them either. Due to his strict upbringing and a history of being taken advantage of, he finds the safety of distance comforting. Although, the lack of interaction and his desire to be isolated has left him with a pulsating depression, spiking most when he’s faced with change and complicated social situations. Blake successfully hides his depression, masking it with a smile and stating otherwise when people question his mental state. Naturally, he doesn’t let many people close to him and he fears the vulnerability required for anything more than simple friendship.[/indent] [color=728395]Upbringing Synopsis[/color] [indent]Blake is someone who struggles between passions, but more in a way that overwhelms him and keeps him preoccupied. He grew up close to his father with high admiration and idolization. His father was many things: a successful businessman, a lover of old music, a musician, a father of five children, and a man of strict, traditional rules. What laid beside the warmth of encouragement and humor were his high expectations of each of his children, especially Blake. It was easy for Blake to pick up the interests, but it was a constant battle to try and win the honor and appreciation of his father. This left him with his isolated nature and his self-disciplined manner; what was the point of having a talent and not honing it? Granted, this made Blake’s high school years easy for him. While most social settings of high schools would pick on the musically inclined, Blake was lucky enough to win over his popularity with his talents. With his cello in hand and a love for culinary arts, he was an unusual hotshot of his high school. Blake delved in sports, but never enough to reach any considerable titles. What love he had for sports was not enough to outweigh his passion for the arts. Collectively, it seemed like there wasn't anything that Blake was particularly bad at, but in his eyes, he was never skilled enough at any one thing. To have multiple skills but nothing that's impressive stand-alone was not enough for him. He narrowed down his desires and focused on what he loved the most. To be artistic comes with an easy way to woo a crowd, but it also comes with it's haunting doubts: a take-away from what it's like to be creative. Blake went through girlfriends in high school fast, never giving them enough attention to have a substantial relationship lasting longer than a couple months. To be consumed by his interests and his constant struggle to impress his father, he didn't have the capacity to devote time into a significant other. While he was raised to be respectful, he could never find it in him to divide his attention enough to pursue any act of love. This was fine for him, as he knew his talents would shape his future, a much more important concept. Once he was old enough, he started working at a fine-dining restaurant as a chef. Blake often played for them on his days off and worked to enhance their menu until he won awards for the dishes he created. He began to blame his Italian blood for his obsession with cooking and classical music. As college approached, Blake was faced again with his struggle between passions, becoming lost on what career path would be best. For an artistic person with incredible passion, dreaming big was as easy as counting to ten. But such dreams were built upon the adoration of a strict father, leaving them susceptible to becoming crushed. And like glass was it shattered, each piece resembling every doubt and worry he previously had. Many people talk about what it’s like to hold onto a dream, but nobody ever mentions the emptiness that follows the crash. For Blake, he remained hollow, following the footsteps that were always suggested of him. To get into an Ivy League college was nothing, and the tuition was like pocket change for his family, so he now enters with a different future in mind. One that he doesn’t necessarily call his own, but one where he can finally live with a proud father and family. Who knows, accounting could be fun. [/indent] [color=728395]Family[/color] [indent]Father: Sebastian De Stefano Mother: Kristen De Stefano Eldest Brother: William De Stefano Second Oldest: Liam De Stefano Younger Sister: Elizabeth De Stefano Youngest Sister: Carolyn De Stefano[/indent] [color=728395]Misc.[/color] [indent]Matthew Noszka | [color=728395]728395[/color] [i]Crazy, Stupid, Love[/i] [hider=Random Accumulated Facts] [color=728395]》 Drinks his coffee black 》 Loves the sausage biscuits from Joe's Cafe: a local cafe that makes their own pastries every night. A super trendy spot. Also enjoys their peppermint mocha that they offer in the winter time. 》 His favorite colors are the colors of the foliage. Fall colors. 》 Loves jazz and classical music 》 Loves nature and outdoor activities: hiking, jogging, snowboarding, camping, etc. 》 Used to be in boy scouts: was actually decent at it. 》 Average academically[/color][/hider][/indent] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/38/11/d8/3811d8f3a0349fa67892250999585b51.gif[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/21/0a/ae/210aaef10a93bb60a4f4db6f1ea42d2e.gif[/img] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/3c76daa6a35899e9cf818e751f83306d6ee7fee8/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f575f632d6871343259674b584d673d3d2d3735353837393430322e313562653138633734613534353534393131323332303238383739352e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img] [color=728395][sup]________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center][/hider]