[h2]Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] "If you wanted to ask more about Cal, I'm sure I saw his daughter around, though I can't imagine anyone would want to talk about a traitor in the family," Tyaethe said off-handedly, cocking her head at the explanation of an assassination attempt--and then sighing deeply, body seeming to deflate in on itself until regaining her less-than intimidating figure. At least the dress she had worn to the occasion seemed to fit reasonably well. "I think that you should keep an eye out for anyone making a sudden move for a crossbow, or magic, or anything else that can kill at a distance. [i]I[/i] am going to make sure that any attack launched misses its mark. If you find the cake somehow, save me some." Accordingly, the now-child was circling around the hall, moving between small groups but getting closer--and keeping an eye on--the princess and those around her. [@jdh97][@Crimson Paladin]