Allanon absorbed the information Sahale gave. As far as Calabris behavior was concerned what was explained was rather classic. While he was sympathetic to the risk Sahale's informant took to get that information, he remained unmoved in regards to his theatrics. [color=50B1B8]"That is certainly a classic Calabris move. Very well, thank you for that information, Sahale."[/color] Once Dorran declared they were moving out now and ordered some of his guards to hold down the camp, Allanon faced the group. [color=50B1B8]"How many of you are used to operating as part of a team?"[/color] How long had it been since the last time he operated as part of a team? He continued. [color=50B1B8]"If most of us are not used to it, then I believe it may be best if we have a general plan of action and then do what we're best at. If we continue to work together in the future we can then work on determining roles."[/color] The few times he teamed up with someone or multiple people since his vigilante efforts started this was often the best strategy considering strangers usually worked poorly within coordinated roles unless they were used to teamwork. He applied the same logic to this group. Deep within his eyes, one could see a cold rage boiling up as Allanon recalled the night he lost his wife. [color=50B1B8]"I'm ready to head out right now."[/color] Those bandits had caused others a lot of suffering, and they were a black mark on this world. A mark that would be wiped clean from this world.