ProcraStinating* :) Hi. Call me fin for short. Female, 24 years old, if that matters. :D I guess I'm what you'd call an "advanced" player, in the terms used on this site. I have an SL called [url=]The Bitter End[/url] that I'm still trying to get some interest in, so if you're into post apocalypse RPs, you might want to click on the link. The play will probably take place here, but due to the lack of features, I found it much easier to organize everything on my own site. I'm also interested in Sci-fi SLs and have been toying with the idea of an Assassin's Creed type play. I play mature, but no smut. I prefer original SLs, but don't mind if they're based on games or other ideas. I ONLY do original characters, however. About seven years ago I was very active on AOL. I had a few different major story lines, tons of RP buds, then everything just seemed to go to hell. I took a loooong break, then found this site a few weeks ago! So here I am. I'll share my old SNs if anyone out there is interested. While I do enjoy writing stories, I also play to collaborate with other excited muns. I do both group and 1x1 play, so just reply or PM me if you're ever interested in getting something going. I'm a pretty committed person and like to post quite often. Nice to meet you all! :)