Abbi [hr][hr] The building started to rumble as large stones fell from up high. The battle that had raged between the two Lords had started the floors to collapse into the hall. Abbi knew that is was only a matter of time before this part of the building would collapse in upon itself. Killing the innocent people trapped in the hall. The killing that took place, the woman falling to her death, the thief, and now oncoming death to those around her made her heart sick. The effects of the mana blasts and using her magic were playing with her emotions as well. The hall started to collapse first pebble coming down, then would come chunks of stones and timbers. Abbi yelled to the others get near a corner or in archways and to use their gates to make a hole in the wall. She did her best to protect the bodies of the Lords for the moment. She searched for their signets and weapons so she could return them to their houses. Then she said a little prayer over them. Chunks of stone blocks started to rain down around them. In her mind the thought raged, “I’ve failed my lords and my queen. War was coming and she had not made enough allies to protect Solaris. Every army from the north and south would come through their lands taking what they wanted, raiding their wealth and supplies.” A large block started to fall upon her and she lifted her arms and pushed with her magic to deflect the block. She screamed in pain but the block moved tumbling away from her and others that were living. From one of the floors above one of Lord Kothlin’s attendants fell in his armor along with heavy debris. She scrambled towards them trying to save the attendants life if she could. The blood flowing from the suit told her the pilot was dead. At this moment, she would have gladly killed Lord Kothlin or one of his guards to get a hold of one of these suits. She wanted to save people. She speculated that with a bit of her magic amplified through the suit, she could do that. “I am sorry to do this,” she said as she started to get the armor off the dead body. The joints were still working bit it had suffered some damage. It would not withstand combat after the impact it took. She placed her hands on his head saying a prayer that he would be at peace and then closed his eyelids. As people started to scream and larger sections started to come down. She scrambled into the armor. She was grateful for being smaller that the muscular soldier that it had contained. The armor tighter in the chest than she liked but the pressure was not important at the moment. The floor two levels up started to collapse adding pressure to the ceiling. She knew that the walls would give way and they would all be crushed. So she rolled and managed to get to her knees. She channeled her magic that allowed her to get to her feet and start walking to where the crowd was. There she was like Joan of Arc, red hair loose, covered in dust walking to do battle with a wall before the suit gave out or she did. She wanted to draw the weapon and feel its power. It took all her might and magic to push the suit to move the stone blocks and get most of the people free. Her body guard and maid hovered as she lay down away from the tower. She wanted food, she wanted sleep. She had saved many people from both the north and the south and that made her feel good.