[hider=CS] [CENTER][h3]Kevin Adrian[/h3][SUB][COLOR=cecece] ◄ 50 ▎ MALE ▎ 6'0 ►[/COLOR][/SUB][/CENTER] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]P R O F I L E[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=a8a8a8] A man of no nonsense, Adrian is the shot caller of Dead Presidents and doesn't take shit from anyone. He had been in the game for so long he might as well of made the fucking game. He lives in a older day, he's no augs and no nonsense obviously. He wears a leather jacket, a pair of kick ass jack boots and some chinos with a beater tee like he's still a hot cup of shit ready to sling lead. He's cool calm and a calculated like any mastermind mother fucker would be, hell he knows when to smell bullshit and he knows how to deal with the crew. He has no hair by the way that's how bad ass he truly is.[/color] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]D A Y S - G O N E[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=a8a8a8] Born in New Wealth he clawed his way from the ground up he was born into organized crime, his father was your typical king pin until it all came down. Thanks to the New Wealth Corporate Police, his father was taken away point and click just fucking gone from his life. Growing up to the be a 9-5 wage slave was not what he wanted for his legacy to be a tradesmen or some office drone shill. He wanted to carve out of a piece of city for his own, he ended up joining up with a fledgling little robbery group called the Dead Presidents. They grew and they grew fucking big, of course the crew he runs with wasn't the one he started off with, people fucking die of course. He's at the top as the crew leader, but this is the last take. Legacy's have been made, it's up to him to ride it out.[/color] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]M O R A L S[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=a8a8a8] See in OOC.[/color] [/hider]