Although Meesei did, eventually, get to sleep in time to have a reasonable amount of rest, the morning still felt like it came too soon for her. Though, she could have slept for days, and it still would not have felt like enough. The time until the invasion’s start was now measured in hours, rather than days. The only comfort for Meesei was that, for her pack, they needed only to ready themselves to take the lead when the portal opened. Their tactics for the battle had already been decided, and the task of readying their troops into their formations for the portal’s opening fell to their respective commanders. No doubt, Ri’vashi had [i]already[/i] been up for an hour or two preparing. For Meesei and her pack, however, their role was far more simple and clear. They were not serving as battlefield commanders, but rather as the tip of the spear: a role that took far greater advantage of the combat prowess of the Champion’s pack. Rather than being attached to a specific battalion they would be prowling the battlefield like hunters, taking on the most important of objectives while their armies supported them in reaching Vile. When Meesei did awaken, it was in Lunise’s arms. It had been a risk for them to sleep together for the night, but it seemed one they were both willing to make. Meesei had her warding enchantment on the front of her tent to prevent any surprise intrusions, and if someone tried to pay Lunise a visit in her tent, there could be any number of reasons for her absence, but there was still this certain feeling of “danger” for them to be together in this way in the midst of such a large camp. Though, admittedly, there was a part of Meesei that just found the risk all the more exciting, as if she were back to her youth trying to sneak away with her lover without her father’s knowledge. It was an amusing thought, and one that she was happy to take just a few moments to savor. Reality was sure to come find her soon enough. If nothing else, she had mentioned to Sabine during their time out in the wilds the previous day that she would want to have a few minutes to talk to her in private the next morning. Meesei expected she would stop by some time soon, at which point Meesei would actually have to get up to let her through the ward. [hr] Ahnasha had awoken earlier than she expected, despite having had quite a long night with Fendros. She did feel that she had managed to have enough rest, regardless, but even still, she took a potion as soon as she was up to help energize her. She had intended to get an early start to the day, perhaps even have breakfast prepared for them before Fendros was even awake. Yet, as she sat up on the edge of the bed, she just ended up staying there, staring off ahead at seemingly nothing for what felt like an eternity.