[center][h2]Zar'kun Je'and[/h2][/center] Joining Ava, I head out towards where we last knew Zarka was. "Strange. I thought your people's customs required he face you in one on one combat." [center][h2]Jerus Je'and[/h2][/center] Even from my elevated perch as I provided cover fire for the other clans engaging Clan Saxon's men, I could see something was off about them. There was a hesitation as they turned their blasters on their fellows. "Hunter, something's off. The Saxons are hesitating when they go to engage the other clans, some are even retreating." [center][h2]Talion Wren[/h2][/center] Jetting after one of the Saxon men, I tackle him, slamming his helmeted head into the ground. "Stay right there, traitor." The man struggles, trying to throw me off. "What are you doing?! You're supposed to be helping!" "Manda'lor never ordered this! Your clan chief is a aruetii and a kyramud. And your clan will be disgraced for it." He struggles for a couple more seconds before stopping and accepting defeat. "No..."