[center][img]https://i.servimg.com/u/f60/12/12/45/20/istock10.jpg[/img][/center] [CENTER][h1][b]Nicholas Blackthorn [/b][/h1][/CENTER] [color=white][sup]_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [center][sub](Date if birth) – July 27, 1605 [color=white][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] Age 428 [color=white][b]|[/b][/color] ♂ [color=white][b][/b][/color] [color=white][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] Physical Profile[/sub] [color=white][sup]___________________________________[/sup][/color][/center][hider=] [sub][b]//Vitals:[/b] [COLOR=WHITE]• [b]Height[/b] | [i]6'0[/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=WHITE]• [b]Weight[/b] | [i]170 lbs[/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=WHITE]• [b]Hair Colour[/b] | [i]Black[/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=WHITE]• [b]Eye Colour[/b] | [i]Blue before Rebellion. Red after the defeat of the Kolas King [/i][/COLOR] [/sub][/hider][CENTER][SUB]Abilities, Skills and Resources[/sub] [color=white][sup]___________________________________[/sup][/color][/center] [b]//Abilities, Physical Skills:[/b] [COLOR=WHITE]• [b]Supernatural Abilites[/b] | [i][b] Old blood Abilites:[/b][/i][/COLOR] As an Old Blood who has lived for 100 years, Nicholas possesses greater powers than other vampires, capable of easily slaying over younger vampires or Kolas Children with ease. Nicholas's Old Blood heritage and his mark left by the Kolas King leaves him immune to the Kolas Bite. [i][b]Mind Compulsion: [/b][/i] Mind Compulsion is an ability of vampires. Nicholas possesses this ability as well he can compel any human or vampire younger in age and strength to do what he commands. Compelled beings usually follow the instructions given to them by the vampire who compelled them to the best of their ability, sometimes even those that would otherwise be beyond their "normal" capacity (i.e. being forced to forget a very recent and otherwise unforgettable experience, cause them to develop new skills, and even create new personalities). Needless to say, this ability plays a vital role in keeping the existence of Vampires. [COLOR=WHITE]• [b]Physical Skills[/b] | [i]Nicholas due to his old blood status possesses power that surpasses that of most black blood vampires; he is physically strong enough to cut through stone with little difficulty, and has often overpowered multiple opponents at once. He is extremely fast, able to jump to great heights, or even to balance on a moving objects. He wields a long katana which has a blade made of silver, which is deadly to Kolas bloodline. He has master multiple techniques in his long span of life. Making even even the most deadly opponent a fool to underestimate him. [/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=WHITE]• [b]Powers Listed[/b] | [i]Supernatural physical abilities such as super strength, reflexes, coordination, speed, resilience and stamina, regeneration (Healing) and heightened senses. Telekinesis. Telekinetic Shockwave- A blast of telekinetic energy. Kolas Immunity- Cannot be turned into a Kolas Child[/i][/COLOR] [sub][b][color=white]Personality:[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [color=white][indent]Nicholas possesses a very calm and mature attitude for those who he cares for. He is very devoted to the Sage bloodline and holds dear to his memory of the Lady Eve. Nicholas personality became increasingly complex. Much of Nicholas' personality as a human transcended into his vampire personality, although his basic human traits became significantly more heightened. Although Nicholas became increasingly darker by nature due to his vampire nature, he still retained the same basic personality traits that he had as a human. Nicholas would be described as mysterious, brooding, inscrutable, intense, kind, caring, empathetic, compassionate, loving, affectionate, noble, selfless, brave, intelligent, protective, and loyal. On the dark side, Nicholas can be incredibly self loathing, and self-destructive. He carries much guilt for not being able to save the Lady Eve. So much so that after the defeat of the Kolas King he isolated himself for nearly a half century after. [/indent][/color] [sub][b]History[/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [color=white][indent] Nicholas was born during the early era of the 17 century. He raised in comfortable station due to his father lucrative shipping business. Nicholas was provided with a very extensive education as child, from literature, mathematics and languages. He was groomed to become his fathers successor. Which was something Nicholas accepted but he secretly longed for more. His chance came at eighteenth year when he enrolled his majesty's navy and began a tour around the continent. His relationship with his father began to strain then, with his sire wanting him to return home. Possibly even marry. Nicholas having finally tasted the freedom and adventure he longed for continued to serve. He enjoyed the discipline the navy offered and naively he enjoyed the thrill of the exploit. He did not want to give that up to run a shipping company his father would never allow him tour on. Nicholas was determined to make his own way. So he remained until he gained the title of captain in his own right at his 28th year. It was also the year everything ended for him. It was also the year he had met [i]her.[/i] His mission had been simple. He was too escort ambassador the earl of Havenshire and his companions to the Vienna to report to the earls new post. It had all seem so neatly wrapped up and straight forward on the surface. Nicholas of course had had his suspicions. Something routine was always something far more complex. In the end it had been so much more. That was when she had come into his life Audrielle Mistmourn. She had been mysterious and her beauty ethereal. Nicholas could not help but be drawn to her. The earl had called her the Lady Eve but when Nicholas had pressed the man he had become tight lipped. That only fueled his suspicions more and made him believe their orders was so much more than just a escort for the earl. The Lady Eve was clearly connect to all of it as well. So like any good captain Nicholas investigated. In the beginning she hadn't desire much to do with him but over time slowly but surely she began to open up. Nicholas had begun to enjoy his time with her and eventually he found his feelings growing deeper than that. He had fallen in love with the Lady Eve, yet Nicholas knew their desires would be cut short. For once the journey ended they would part and never see each other again. Or so Nicholas had thought. They had been two days from the coast of Vienna when it had happen. A ship hoisting black sails came into view at the distance and attack. Both ships fought mercilessly but in the end the black sails boarded Nicholas' ship. His men fought bravely to the last, pushing back the invaders. Protecting their charges with their lives. Nicholas too fought in the fray against the captain of their attackers. He had been fast and his face covered as they fought on the deck of the ship. However unlike his crew Nicholas' fight had been more of challenge. With every move his opponent made it became clear to Nicholas he was being out classed. It came as no surprise when the final blow came. Nicholas had seen it coming. He had just been unable to dodge. The sword had pierced his heart. Nicholas knew he was dying but before he closed his eyes. He saw Eve. She was their standing with the earl. The noble born gentlemen was holding the black sails captain by the throat dead in his hands. The Lady Eve said something to him and then turned Nicholas. She tried to say something to her but with so much blood being loss, Nicholas could barely hear as began to fade away. His final thought was that at least he got to see her once last time. He woke up three days later with Alice by his side. It was a welcome sight but Nicholas was confused. There was no way he could have survived his wounds. They had been fatal. Nicholas was certain his life had been over after he had take that blade to his chest. Yet here he was. He looked to Eve for answers. That was when he had learned the truth. He had died and his crew very much believed him gone. It was explained to him that he had been saved him but it came with a price many would hardly believe. Nicholas learned on that day that Lady Eve was far much more than just a mystery passenger on his ship. She was an immortal being called a vampire. Nicholas had died and she had given him a new life in place of the one he had lost. It would be a lie if Nicholas said he hadn't been confused, or angry. He had died and his previous life was over. Let alone he had a new one as a vampire? It took him sometime to come to terms with that. He could never see his family again. That was the most traumatic revelation of his new life. Nicholas never blamed Eve. He was grateful she had saved his life. Yet the former captain could not help but mourn what once was. It had taken Nicholas some time to come to terms with everything. Though it all Lady Eve had been there. She had stayed by his side. She could have left at anytime, yet she had stayed. Nicholas realized his companionship with her was so much more deeper. He loved Eve and vowed to stay by her side and protect her. Nicholas never regretted his decision. He spent nearly three centuries with her. Happy. Content. It had felt like a dream. Unfortunately... even dreams can't last forever. The year was 1950, a vampire who would later be known as the Kolas King emerged in the now modern day Americas and began spreading his lineage to unsuspecting victims. The Kolas Children, as his bloodline came to be known, differed from other bloodlines in that all humans (Or vampires) bitten by a Kolas Child would become Kolas Children themselves, a new breed of vampire. The ensuing chaos made the existence of vampires, which until then had been living in secret, known to the entire world. The conflict culminated from a rebellion into a war of cleansing. Humans and vampires worked together to exterminate the children. To preserve the four core bloodlines Nicholas as well as the Lady Eve joined the conflict. Unfortunately for them that is exactly what the Kolas King has wanted. He had wanted the Lady Eve to ensure his bloodlines survival. Fortunately the kings plans hadn't come full circle but in his rage he would commit an act that would forever change Nicholas. Kolas King took the Lady Eve's life. Nicholas watch as his love faded into dust. In his own blind rage Nicholas fought the Kolas King and after a long battle he defeated him. Afterwards in his blind rage he hunted and nearly wiped out a majority of the Kolas children. An act of genocide vampires still look back on as event full of horror. It was from that day forward that Nicholas was know as the "Executioner." He walked off the battlefield and placed himself in self imposed exile for nearly half a century. His only thoughts was how he had failed Audrielle. His Lady. His Eve. 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