[center][h1][color=tomato]Zoe Helena Alexandris[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h3][i]Banquet of Kings, Academy[/i][/h3][/center] Allies with whoever killed the spear person? THESEUS?! Altera...did he mean Attila the Hun? Wait. The Fake Hercules was eroding everything and the Grail away?! But he did want to make people smile...ugh. It was all a hell of a lot to go through rapid-fire, from the alliance promise to the barriers popping up around herself and other masters. She was at least able to grasp what was going on, but more than that- [quote] "To become someone who can make the people smile." [/quote] -...so that was it, huh? To become a hero, a great hero who can make the people smile. A cursed life of bringing only ruin to everything, and yet to aspire to rise above the conditions of one's birth to something more. A well intended thing indeed, and yet what had been that saying? "The road to hell is paved with good intentions"? Such felt fitting here, as was a tinge of genuine sorrow. Though speaking of smiles... Even her teacher, her servant, now bore a grin that spoke of nothing but pure joy. And yet...Yes. Perhaps it all now made much more sense to her, what she had been told not too long before. [quote]"Set the mood, witness the interactions, and [b]record the stories being told[/b]"[/quote] Simple advice, yet also so very insightful. Orpheus was a bringer of civilization through his music, to even the wilds of the world and the Underworld itself. He had made rocks weep, journeyed into the Underworld for his beloved, and was even the origin of the Orphic Mysteries and called "the father of songs". Such was all part of his legend, much like his journey with the Argonauts. Yet as a musician, as a hero, he had ever been a witness to those legends and lives and events and even his own tragic tale. That was what he had desired all along, wasn't it? Wielding music and song to engrave upon the cruel world, and even upon human history and human minds as well, memories of greatness and glory, of tragedy and folly, and of so many lives and deaths long past. ...He was truly a musician. Virtually if not literally a modern day rock star at that, all railing against the world, venturing beyond familiar shores and boundaries with glee, and burning the stories of others and themselves into eternity. It was then no surprise, ultimately, that he was literally a grandson of memory itself. Heh. So selfish this path to heroism was, and yet she could not help but truly admire it and respect it all the same. It brought a genuine smile to her face, even. Zoe then turned her head only a little to look over at the man who called himself the "King of Infinite Hells", her gaze like steel even though she kept an eye on the servant battle before them. Something about that guy...hmm...she had to know. That bravado, that personality that seemed to ooze the part of the actor and one who had embraced his own self-proclaimed role so tightly. Yes. It spoke to her somehow, so different and yet so familiar somehow. Though looking hard enough, it wasn't hard to see the oddness in the movement...and in the lack of a Command Seal burning. [color=tomato]"You, who proclaims himself the King of Infinite Hells! I am The Great Chosen One Who Shall Save The Entire World! I stand as the hero of the world, and you as the villain of all hells! Yet I feel a strange familiarity from you, from your words, even from behind this mask you wear. We stand as two sides of the same coin, much like blessings and curses, and so I must ask...what is your true goal in all of this? What do you seek to gain by donning the guise of a villain? What truth behind the veil of anonymity do you pursue, even by seeking to draw the ire of others upon you by taking on such a status? Ruin? Greed? ...Salvation?"[/color] A heroine had to confront the villain still, of course! Especially ideologically. That was definitely important...er, even though they were on the same side 'technically-kinda-sorta" for the moment? Not like she could currently do anything about the fake Heracles right now anyhow. She had watched enough movies, however, to know how to deliver lines like this though! She'd practiced quite a lot on that, in fact, among other things. [hr] [center][h1][color=salmon] Berserker (Yamato Takeru)[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h3][i]Fuyuki Park[/i][/h3][/center] The oni had seemingly taken a direct from her attack, even that strike of air unleashed from her blade to try to fell one of Japan's three greatest disasters. Such was good, but the oni [b]wasn't dead yet[/b] either. Yet something else, she could feel it enter and jet towards the vulnerable masters, and yet then the other demon-slayers was there and the other servant presence leapt away again. This would not do. No. This could not do. The beast would turn its fangs upon the intruder, and yet it could not before this disaster ignore it. Something would have to be done. [b][quote]Danger. Idiot Master. Another threat. Kill.[/quote][/b] Without skipping a beat, Yamato fired off another burst of wind from her blade at the Oni. After all, her blade was already still pointed at it directly. Yet the gust, as intended, also sent the Berserker flying back from the oni in a powerful but calculated movement. From here, Yamato rapidly unleashed another powerful wind jet to move herself directly and very quickly towards where she'd last felt the other servant initially move in from. With the channeled rage of a brutal wild animal, Yamato sped towards the building Jack was perched on with her sword now pointed out towards it. The Berserker then let loose another mighty jet of wind quickly, aiming to cleave off the top part of the building and anything upon the roof (and above it for that matter) in one shot.