[center][h2]MISSION BOARD[/h2][/center][hr][hr][table] [row][cell]MISSION[/cell][cell]SUMMARY[/cell][cell]MEMBERS[/cell][cell]STATUS[/cell][/row][row][cell][i]Beast of the Bludmach[/i] ☆☆☆☆[/cell][cell]In recent times, a string of assaults have taken place within the Marshes of Bludmach, leading to severe food and water shortages. Head to the City and find out who or what is behind these attacks.[/cell][cell]ELDRID, KLAUS, KVASIR[/cell][cell][color=yellow]IN PROGRESS[/color][/cell][/row] [row][cell][i]A Light in the Dark[/i] ☆☆☆[/cell][cell]White Harbor is no stranger to bizarre happenings or disappearances, to many it's just part of life here. However, Thoronia Whitecliff's son has gone missing and she won't just sit down and accept it.[/cell][cell]ARTURUIS, LEE, KARNA, NIA[/cell][cell][color=yellow]IN PROGRESS[/color][/cell][/row] [row][cell][i]Delivery[/i] ☆[/cell][cell]A local tradesman would like to have some added security as he travels to Hilgerd. Talk of bandits along those roads.[/cell][cell]TRIXIA[/cell][cell][color=yellow]IN PROGRESS[/color][/cell][/row] [row][cell][i]Pop Goes the Weasel[/i] ☆☆[/cell][cell]A pest infestation has come along with the spring time weather. Give these White Harbor men a hand at getting rid of 'em.[/cell][cell]---[/cell][cell][color=gray]PENDING[/color][/cell][/row] [row][cell][i]Drive off Big Bessie[/i] ☆☆☆[/cell][cell]Big Bessie has come around for her yearly frolick, but the sea hasn't been as plentiful as we like with her bounty this season. It's been two weeks, so if you could drive her off for a bit, it'd be great.[/cell][cell]RIA, WILL, CADE[/cell][cell][color=yellow]IN PROGRESS[/color][/cell][/row] [/table] [hr][hr]