[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a2/61/25/a261254e75946cabf165e56fccd57978.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=9e0b0f][h3]Audrielle 'The Lady Eve' Mistmourn[/h3][/color] [/center] [center][sub][color=9e0b0f][b]Age:[/b][/color] 50 years (After Reincarnation) [color=9e0b0f][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=9e0b0f][b]Species:[/b][/color] Vampire (Source Blood of Chaotic Bloodline)[/sub][/center] [color=9e0b0f][h3]Appearance:[/h3][/color] Audrielle has light blonde hair with hazel eyes. She stands at around 5'7" with most of her height being in her long legs. As far as her build, she no longer has the hint of muscle she did in her past body from being actively ready for a fight. Instead, with her absence of memories and new body, she hasn't worked to improve her body shape but her figure remains lean with her natural curvature. [color=9e0b0f][h3]Personality:[/h3][/color] Upon first meeting Audri, one can will find that she's a rather warm individual, despite being apart of a cold-blooded species. She's friendly unless given a reason not to be and tends to have a decent—albeit a bit dry—sense of humor. She prefers to have a large circle of trusted companions, finding that loneliness is something that often plagues her for reasons she herself hasn't figured out. However, it would be wise not to mistake her friendliness for naivety. Despite her lacking memory and therefore, lack of experience, Audri has proven to still be incredibly sharp and intuitive to the world around her. Some of the Old Bloods closest to her have even found it difficult keeping her in the dark about her past while she was growing up due to it. They had once speculated that it was a sign that her memories would return but unfortunately, it just seemed to be a deeply ingrained trait. She does have a bit of a temper that usually stems from her pride or competitiveness. Audri never enjoyed being crossed or made a fool of before and certainly doesn't take it any better now. Though she's not quite the source blood she once was, she's still not one to roll over to the will of others. Unfortunately, her temper isn't her only downfall. Audrielle also tends to make decisions quite impulsively. Even in the past she was rarely one to thoroughly think through her decisions and it played a large role in her previous demise. [color=9e0b0f][h3]Abilities:[/h3][/color] Due to reincarnation, Audrielle doesn't possess the abilities and strength that she once did. The Old Bloods suspect that she is still in a weakened state after her previous death. For now, the only know powers she seems to has is that equivalent of Black Bloods. [color=9e0b0f][h3]Present Life Background: [/h3][/color] No longer the 'Lady Eve' that everyone remembers, Audrielle was reborn in the safety of the special zone as a baby. At first, none of the Old Bloods knew what to think and many had no idea how she had managed to reincarnate. There was great speculation of whether she had the power to do it to herself or if, perhaps, someone else was responsible for her rebirth. Regardless, answers never came. So, focus instead turned to raising Audrielle. Fearful of losing her for good in such a weak state, the Old Bloods hid her away to raise her as human girl while the rest of the coven worked to restore their former power. During this time, Audrielle had a rather peaceful life raised by a woman named Aida. Her childhood was spent learning and reading. In her spare time, she played with toys in the safety of the small, yet cozy home. It wasn't a bad life, since she technically had everything she needed. The main upset was her lack of company. Even though the coven wanted her to have a normal life, they were still scared of others discovering her whereabouts so her interactions out in the town were controlled and always supervised. That alone didn't leave young Audrielle with many friends. As she grew older, she grew more rebellious against Aida and began sneaking out. It was then that she formed a friendship with some of the neighboring kids. Her and the human kids would often take trips down to a nearby river, which was eventually dubbed 'The Spot' by a boy named Chester. They became a tight knit group as they talked and joked with each other over the course of years. Unfortunately, all things eventually come to an end. Nearing eighteen, Audri began to realize there was something strange about her relationship with Aida. She knew the woman wasn't her birth mother, that much had been made clear years ago, but to her, she was still a mother figure. However, the older she got the weaker that image got as she began to realize how distant Aida acted towards her. And that was just the start. With their relationship beginning to fracture and noticing other inconsistencies, the coven finally had to bring Audrielle back to them and shatter this human life that she had been living. Leaving behind that life without a word of goodbye, she was brought into the word of the vampires. As the years went by, Audrielle adjusted to this new life rather quickly, learning the history behind her true species as well as the powers they possessed. The coven also tried to restore her memory with many different attempts but unfortunately, it seemed they were gone. Their next best bet was to unlock the powers she held but that attempt didn't go very well either. Unable to restore their lady, Audrielle has resorted to being a sheltered resident of the coven. In recent times, she's been spending most her time trying to figure out the powers the Old Bloods swear that she's supposed to have. While she has a very uncaring attitude towards her memories, she is intrigued by the abilities she's heard of. [color=9e0b0f][h3]Past Life Background:[/h3] [/color] Audrielle was once the 'Mother of All Bloodlines' and it was a title she held with unshaken pride. No one is really sure where she, herself, originated from. Some say in ancient times, she was born from the love affair of the God of Death and a mortal while other stories believe that she was a mortal who was instead cursed by the God of Death, meant to create his undead army but instead creating a new version of life. Unfortunately, it was a tale lost to time and even something that she wouldn't have a true answer to as one of her earliest memories involved waking up in a pond of blood with no recollection of how she got there or who's blood it was. Her beginnings were trying times for Audrielle, as she spent a good majority of it just trying to navigate the world. The Lady Eve was known to travel around the continent for many years, as in her early years she was much like a curious toddler. With no formal education, most of it relied on simply experiencing the world and watching history be created. Eventually though, she began to learn reading and writing through a young woman named Aida, whom she had befriended on one of her many travels. Aida had been a daughter of a proud, wealthy man so she had ended up receiving more education than most women did at the time and she gladly shared it. Aida also had a deep thirst for adventure beyond normal life though and that became apparent to Audrielle in the time she spent with her. It caused the vampire to make a very grave mistake. Thinking she was being helpful, she bit Aida, turning her into her own kind. Audri had believed that she was giving her human friend an escape but it turned out that it wasn't the escape Aida wanted. The scholar, at first, was devastated as she realized what she had become and forced the Lady Eve to search for a cure. Decades went by before Aida eventually lost hope and accepted her fate to roam the earth as a vampire. While she eventually forgave Audrielle and became a trusted friend, Audrielle never let herself forget the pain she caused her friend and vowed to have more care when changing someone. From there, she built her bloodline, giving rise to several vampires as the decades went on, sticking to willing victims that she deemed fit to join her. Though she hadn't been human herself, Audrielle had a deep rooted respect for humanity thanks to her many travels and time spent amongst them. They weren't just prey or subjects for her to turn, they were creatures that deserved as much respect as any vampire. So she had sworn off changing people impulsively like she had Aida but things change. Namely, she met [i]him[/i], the man that would later be given the title of Executioner. They met during an escort at sea where she was setting sail with the earl of Havenshire to go to the Vienna. Her plan was to pass safely and quietly across the waters, returning to her coven and home after one of her usual trips away. Audrielle hadn't been planning for anything more until she crossed paths with Nicholas Blackthorn. He wasn't the first man to attract her attention so naturally, she didn't think much of him at first aside from finding his looks alluring. At first, she kept to herself, seeing no reason to get involved with the captain, but as time went on she found it more difficult to keep away. As they spent more time together, she let him in a bit more and found herself developing rather strong feelings for him. Stronger than any she had experienced with prior men she had been involved with. So when the black sails attacked the ship, she was devastated to watch as the captain was run through with a sword. It was an injury no man could survive. At least not a human one. On that day, she broke her own promise out of a desperation to save the human she had fallen for. Audrielle turned Nicholas in an effort to save him. After the fear of losing him wore off, she began to realize her mistake and a heavy sense of guilt fell over the vampiress. So, the Lady Eve did the only thing she could do and remained by his side as he came to terms with his newfound life. She expected that he would resent her in a similar fashion that Aida had and also didn't expect their closeness to carry on after what she had done. However, in time, she found out that she was pleasantly wrong. As the years went on, the two grew closer and her trust for him grew deeper. Lady Eve gave her heart to him and with it, her blood as he was the only vampire she ever allowed to take any. She had been hoping to live her seemingly endless days with him by her side but things never go according to plan. At the sudden rise of the Kolas Clan, action had to be taken to get rid of the monsters born because the tainted Blood Fount. Lady Eve launched into defense against the rebellion as the Kolas King directed his attack onto both humans and Old Bloods alike. When he entered the battle himself, Audrielle was even more than compelled to go toe to toe with the Kolas King, infuriated by his demand for her. Of course, the Old Bloods would never allow for it. There was too much at risk if she did get caught but that didn't stop Audri from wishing to end this genocide. As mentioned prior, impulsiveness was always Lady Eve's downfall. Unable to simply sit back while her coven fought against the Kolas Clan, she went into action one night with a plan to help turn the tides of the war. Sadly, that plan never even got to see a glimpse of daylight. Her impulsive decision made her an easy target beyond the safety of the Old Bloods and the Kolas King was all too quick to strike as soon as he saw the chance. Unprepared, she fell to the wrath of her enemy.