[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/cJLLr4Fv/image.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/3N5hCKFC/image.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.postimg.cc/ydNKypds/tumblr-o259n201v-Z1sc0ffqo1-500.gif[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@Natsu][/center][hr][center][h3][color=FF1C06][b]The Hub - San Fransisco: December 24th, 2020 - 7:10 P.M.[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr][color=FF1C06][b][i]The Common Room...[/i][/b][/color] Raynor was moderately annoyed that Maria was trying to steal his thunder. He had rigged the Secret Santa selection to ensure that he would get Sparky, that way he could give her the ring and ask her to marry him. After everything he had been through with the Secret Warriors, the one constant had been her. It had always been about Sparky. He begrudgingly figured that Maria probably felt similarly about Novikova, but he was a bit selfish. He couldn't help his nature. [color=add3ff]"Aww, it's beautiful, bae,"[/color] Novikova said with a smile, hugging her fiancée back. She slipped the ring out of its box and onto her hand, admiring the way the jewels reflected the light. Yet there was a question then - if Maria hadn't been her Secret Santa, who was it? She got up from where she was, noticing that Tinley seemed to like the gifts she had gotten for her. Novikova was both angry and happy. And then a thought occurred to her - [i]had Tinley been her Secret Santa?[/i] [color=add3ff]"Abercrombie - was this you?"[/color] Novikova asked, her shades hiding the raw emotion in her eyes. She hated and loved Tinley - she wanted to hug her and she wanted to punch all of her teeth out. She blamed Tinley for her dismissal from S.H.I.E.L.D., but at the same time they were all a family - this team was more than just a job. She hated Tinley the way one hated a loving sibling. [color=add3ff]"Did you do this?"[/color] Novikova added, a bit of an edge to her voice. Bonnie was doing her very best to stay out of whatever drama Novikova was about to cause. The ex-agent was clearly drunk and with Novikova's powers, that was hardly a good recipe. She figured that Tinley could handle her if things got out of hand - and if not, Maria could always slip off a glove and knock her unconscious. She smiled slightly as Matt opened up his gift. She hadn't been sure what he liked, so she got him everything a person would need to destress after a long week at S.H.I.E.L.D. There were two movie tickets as she didn't know if he had a special someone in his life, and even if he didn't, movies were always more fun with a friend. The wine was for getting a good happy buzz, the chocolate had a similar idea, and then the fuzzy socks were for keeping warm while watching telly. It hadn't even occurred to her that they could be seen as date night gifts. [color=f6989d]"I can test everyone's DNA tomorrow - or maybe the day after,"[/color] Bonnie volunteered. She only considered maybe waiting an additional day since tomorrow was Christmas and she didn't know if everyone would be on base. They were supposed to be here, but she figured at least a few would go to a Church service. Christmas tended to get everyone to go to mass. She then smiled slightly, petting Max the dog. [color=f6989d]"He's pretty cute - are you going to keep him?"[/color] she asked Flynn. Raynor nodded at Sparky, getting down on one knee even though she had the ring box in hand. In an instant, it suddenly didn't matter anymore that Maria had tried to steal his thunder - he just cared about what Sparky would say next. [color=d86615]"Theresa Sparks... Will you marry me?"[/color] Raynor asked her simply. He could have talked about how much she meant to him, that she was really his only family, that she was his best friend, and that in the other timeline, all he had wanted to do was go home to her. But something about keeping things simple just felt right to him. He knew that he wasn't perfect, but she was. [hider=Secret Santa Gifts] [list][*]Flynn - [url=https://i.postimg.cc/MGZXGKLG/image.png]Pitbull puppy named Max[/url] [*]Tinley - Sephora eye shadow palette, 3 lipsticks, perfume [*]Harry - Multitool (like a Leathermen) [*]Tempest - new gaming rig [*]Maria - 2 trick arrows that are holiday themed (sprays confetti & plays a tune while it is in the air) and then 2 trick arrows that would be useful in combat (1 flash bang and 1 that sprays a sleeping gas) [*]Novikova - [[url=https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/shopping?q=tbn:ANd9GcRZy72WKg9PijB9upXeIr_1FWo-SllkmaxUclt8dc8oYqKdUIGNGcBT-Z9DK7QsqdXTUdMjCF8ZhgFUq8GIaRvKLQ8VGQT7Yu2ixT6HtvWhqZYB4bJ6i1mIPg&usqp=CAE]guitar pick bracelet[/url] with the saying "Чем больше вы узнаете о мире, тем больше у него возможностей посмеяться над ним" on it in Russian, a [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41kYuEdgYaL.jpg]portable bluetooth turntable[/url], and noise cancelling headphones.] [*]Raynor - [ light up constellation maps] [ [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/shopping?q=tbn:ANd9GcQwKfsZw6YVpB8PxQmNp6dkijw8HI2kb8QiEnu6QO69_b6YDyBsRNcVUNvhs0OxGt-fD6koJe1SM6NCAOjn6qjJAgmZMAG9gf5xLWcMJ5CuJ7l9rLsr5CTCyA&usqp=CAE]artist picture of Yggdrasil[/url], a [url=https://i.etsystatic.com/19571042/r/il/88e13c/1841182775/il_794xN.1841182775_m2vy.jpg]celtic wolf bracelet[/url], and a [url=https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/shopping?q=tbn:ANd9GcSKg_CZo5SG2TE6b4zcitYf8HghPSM3r19DG1XtQ5ytLDVmD5wIsvhDiulLfjn0tUY4MTxNCBUyjvwlzTk-95V2OapcqZmv8KK4vZQRohpQLqIKzOeAoJbPMw&usqp=CAE]hoodie with viking symbols on it in brown[/url].] [*]Bonnie - a recent medical text [*]Matt - box of chocolates, bottle of wine, fuzzy socks, and 2 movie tickets [*]Niah - a forensics book [*]Sparky - [url=https://i.postimg.cc/jj50G34P/image.png]ring[/url] [*]Oliver - a 3D puzzle [*]Cass - a new tablet [*]Goose - his favorite treat and some toys, a cat treat launcher that will shoot out treats in random directions at high speeds, some cat toys, some catnip, a new cat bed, a dead rat, a new food bowl, cat toys, cat treats[/list][/hider]