Aurel tilted his head slightly, not really comprehending what Faolan was trying to tell them. Lucien had simply raised his eyebrows a little at Faolan's words, knowing very well what he was doing, and simply waited for him to continue with his words. [color=burlywood]"Ah, I see. Well, it's progress."[/color] He said, looking down at Aurel, who seemed happy with the news. From how quickly the boy's mood had changed, it was clear he didn't feel the same way about his situation, considering how easily he was able to shrug it off. He held back a sigh, and simply decided to try to put the thought aside from now.. but even as he did so it still bothered him... He would never understand how cruel the world could be to children... The rest of the evening was fairly tame. They had enjoyed supper, with Faolan still having to make Aurel eat his vegetables. Honestly seeing the boy get so sulky was a little amusing at times, as it wasn't really a side of him they saw often. He, like Faolan, really liked his meat, but one was far more willing to have a balanced meal than the other. When night completely befell them, Aurel had gotten comfortable in his cot and had been quick to trail off to sleep, completely bundled in blankets. It seemed like something he liked doing even when it wasn't extremely cold. Lucien on the other hand, felt a little restless. Since the night before, they had finally been able to sleep in each other's arms again, something he had missed. Normally it wouldn't take him too long at all to lose himself to sleep but.. not this time, and it seemed Faolan had noticed. [color=a36209]"I'm still awake if you want to talk about it."[/color] He had spoken up, causing Lucien to look up at his beloved, and gave him a small smile. [color=burlywood]"I can't hide things from you."[/color] He lightheartedly joked, not that it was his intention, it was just hard to talk about it with Aurel around. Lucien let out a small sigh before he readjusted himself to face the ceiling, hand moving to seek out Faolan's hand to place it over his. [color=burlywood]"Aurel.. he used to be in an orphanage.."[/color] He started quietly, briefly glancing toward to the boy to make sure he was asleep. [color=burlywood]"They.. left him in a forest, Faolan... They abandoned him. He was just a child... This was before the circus, meaning he had to be less than eight years old when that happened... How could they be so cruel?"[/color]