Burundi had not forgotten, as a Dwarf never forgets. But he had assumed they had decided to eschew the whole 'meeting' they had planned on yesterday. They were all here, fresh, and ready! What was the problem? Say what you will about the Dawi, who's conservative stances and indecisive grumbling can last decades. At least when they decide something, they don't take a tour of the local manor so they can then ask more questions. Still, he didn't complain. He had all morning to venture into the woods and cut down whatever threatened his new livelihood. If the manlings wished to be comforted with asking the local clan leader a query or two, he wouldn't deny it to them. Some useful knowledge might yet be gleamed, after all. He didn't put much stock in these manlings but even an Elgi was right twice a day, as the saying goes. A Dwarf was nothing if not patient. Passing through the building's doors, he did his best not to scoff at the 'magnificent' statue that had been erected outside. It was good, for human work. But he could see over half a dozen imperfections, and he wasn't even a stone mason. How these long legged fools had managed to survive this long was anyone's guess. He realized, after a moment, he was being unfair. Men had value in ways other than craft and manner...and food...and beer...and intelligence...and weapons...and music... They passed by the young Johan. "...and names." He whispered to himself. As they all stepped into the upper chamber, the others were greeted by yet again the one eye from yesterday, who sat in his resplendent hall for all to see and gaze upon. To one's surprise, Burundi's eyes were inevitably drawn to the greatsword of Dwarf make, with the mark of Karak Ziflin upon it's steel. To see it was a breath of fresh air. He gave a small prayer of thanks to Grungi before Dietrich shared his news. That's a lot of men to be lost over the course of a week or two. Any Dwarf hold that lost that much would have sent out a party of rangers and a militia of Dwarf warriors to find out what happened and to right whatever grudge had stolen the lives of their kin. How could this be allowed to continue so blatantly? Still, as offended as he was, he knew he needed to help in solving this problem or it would be allowed to continue. "Disappearances?" Burundi echoed, considering into his beard. He placed his polearm down gently as he began to think on what might be the cause. "Maybe these beastman theories hold true, after all. That or other worshipers of the ruinous powers using them for some dark ritual or..." His eyes widened in abject shock, and he held his hands out as if to hold himself steady in case the building began to collapse by his sheer rationale. "You don't have Elves in these woods do you!?"