[center][h2]Jerus Je'and[/h2][/center] "Your father's in no condition to go anywhere, Cosen, you saw that yourself. As for you and your mother, well, you want to leave then go, but I don't think either of us can speak for Vette. Just give me a second." Opening my com channel, I contact Temari. "Teacher?" [center][h2]Temari Ordo[/h2][/center] I stand over the corpse of one of the younger members of Clan Saxon, Vette behind me as she didn't bring any combat armor. I had been wearing mine since the day before and was running on two hours of rest and a lot of caffeine, as repairs had needed to be gotten underway quickly and I'd stayed up celebrating later than I should have. When Jerus comes through, I set it to speaker. "Go ahead Jerus." [center][h2]Jerus Je'and[/h2][/center] "Is Vette with you? Safe?" I switch to speaker so Cosen can hear as well. [center][h2]Temari Ordo[/h2][/center] "Safe and unharmed, despite the Saxon youth's best efforts. Zarka has crossed a line."