[center][h2] Hunter Ordo [/h2][/center] A transport shuttle flies down and lands in the spot where the crowd once was before they all scattered. “Come on, Talion. Let’s get this traitor back to base.” I turn back to Jerus. “Meet us when you can. I trust you can handle Cosen better than us.” [center][h2] Duny Saxon [/h2][/center] “I’m not a traitor! I was only doing as I was instructed! I had no idea this was part of a coup!” [center][h2] Hunter Ordo [/h2][/center] “We’ll talk about it later.” I jerk my thumb towards the transport. “Now let’s go.” [center][h2] Zarka Saxon [/h2][/center] Back at the command center, I am in on a recreational room with the other Clan Chiefs. I lightly spar with Khomo Fett, throwing kicks and punches back and forth while others either watch or lounge around in chairs. I duck a roundhouse kick, catching his foot and spinning him to the ground. “Nice try, old friend, but I fear your brain is slipping.” I chuckle, holding out a hand to help him to his feet. When the doors opened and Mand’alor enter, I smile up at her genuinely. “Ah! Our Sole Ruler has joined us at least! Looking to join in on the tournament? See what your Clan Chiefs have got?” [center][h2] Mandalore the Risen [/h2][/center] “I know precisely what you’ve got,” I point my blaster at him. “Traitor!!” [center][h2] Marcogar Wren [/h2][/center] I, along with several of the other Clan Chiefs, am understandably surprised. “Mand’alor? What’s going on?” I look at Saxon, who looks most confused of all. [center][h2] Mandalore the Risen [/h2][/center] “So, word has not reached you all yet? Allit’alor Saxon here has betrayed us. He organized an assassination attempt on Gavin Greshh and his Revolution leaders, presumably to undermine my alliance with them. Had the plot not been thwarted by LOYAL warriors, I have no doubt I would be his next target.” [center][h2] Corridan Ordo [/h2][/center] My jaw drops, and I glare at Zarka. “Is this true? How could you do this?” [center][h2] Zarka Saxon [/h2][/center] “I gave no such order! I have no idea what your talking about!” I back away from all the angry looking Chiefs. “This... this is some sort of mistake!” [center][h2] Mandalore aThe Risen [/h2][/center] “First you go behind my back, then you deny your involvement? Have you no honor, Allit’alor?” [center][h2] Zarka Saxon [/h2][/center] “I have more honor then...!!!” I catch myself, biting back my anger. “Clan Saxon is fiercely loyal. We would never turn against their Mand’alor! [center][h2] Mandalore the Risen [/h2][/center] “Oh, they are loyal to their Mand’alor: you! Because that’s your end goal; killing my allies to weaken my position, turn everyone against me, then kill me and claim the title for yourself! Don’t tell me I’m wrong!” [center][h2] Zarka Saxon [/h2][/center] “This is ridiculous! This... this must be some kind of frame up! I’m a battle tactician! I plan battles, not schemes! ShT your describing is more the game of that Sith Witch Naberrie, not me!” [center][h2] Mandalore the Risen [/h2][/center] “Stop talking or I’ll execute you here and now.” I shrug. “Come to think of it, I might just do that regardless and save everyone a lot of time.”