[CENTER][H2] Zarka Saxon [/h2][/center] "Wait... Hold a moment. Let me call my lieutenants. I'll speak to them and find out who gave them the order to attack." [CENTER][H2] Corridan Ordo [/h2][/center] I aim my blaster. "Touch your commlink and you die. You've already betrayed Mand'alor once. I won't give you the chance to do it again." [CENTER][H2] Zarka Saxon [/h2][/center] I hold my hands out to show I'm not reaching for anything. "There could have been a miscommunication! Or... or someone manipulated them into acting outside of my orders!" [CENTER][H2] Marcogar Wren [/h2][/center] "You are responsible for the actions of your men, Saxon. If they took matters into their own hands, it is you who are at fault for not training them to follow orders..." [CENTER][H2] Khomo Fett [/h2][/center] I sneer, drawing my blaster on the man I once considered to be a friend. "Clan Saxon is one of the most disciplined clans there is. They take orders from no one by their Allit'alor and the Mand'alor herself." [CENTER][H2] Zarka Saxon [/h2][/center] I stare at Khomo in surprise. "Gar sa, Khomo?" I turn towards Mand'alor. "I challenge you to single combat, Mand'alor! You know something here doesn't add up! You're just letting your dislike of me cloud your mind! I have been nothing but loyal to the Mando'ade! It is you who have strayed for the path! Making ally of the Jedi and Republic diplomats! Allowing them to use us as pawns in their war! You think none of us knew what this was all really about? You never wanted to conquer Coruscant! All you wanted to do was please your Jetii lover!" [CENTER][H2] Mandalore the Risen [/h2][/center] I fire a single shot between Zarka's eyes. As he slowly collapses to the ground, I fire off several more shots into his body. "Challenge denied." I say, trembling with anger.