[center] [hider=My Hider] [img]https://www.celebritysizes.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Dichen-Lachman.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center] [center][u][h2]Aida Drakos[/h2][/u][/center][center][sub][b]Age:[/b] Nearing 700 Years [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Species:[/b]Old Blood [/sub][/center] [u][b]History:[/b][/u] Born September 17 near the region of Tibet, Aida was once nothing more than the daughter of a nobleman and wife to another. Freedom wasn't something she was familiar with, however, education was. She had a deep love for learning and luckily that was a luxury her family could afford. Eventually, she ran into Audrielle during the lady's earlier days on earth. Audrielle was different than anyone else Aida had come across and with a thirst for adventure, she was drawn to the other woman out of curiosity. They formed a close friendship and Aida became the lady's teacher in exchange for the stories Audrielle had to share about the world she had seen during her many travels. All was well until it took a sour turn when Audrielle bit her. For decades, Aida was furious with Audrielle. As much as she had craved freedom, she didn't want to have to give up her family to get it. Unfortunately, there was no turning back. It took time and many years but Aida eventually accepted her new lease on life as a vampire. She became close with Audrielle, being a trusted friend and later a trusted advisor. Aida dedicated her new found immortality to learning as well as teaching to those willing to learn. When the battle against the Kolas King occurred, Aida was devastated by the loss of not one friend but two as she witness Nicholas become the Executioner. She was the one that was chosen to raise Audrielle, since she was one of the eldests and the one who had been by her side the longest. It was a difficult task to watch and raise her old friend. When the truth eventually came out to Audrielle, Aida worked to restore a sense of friendship rather than whatever motherly bond had been there prior in hopes that it would restore the Lady's lost memories. [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Aida is normally a quiet and reserved person with a passion for learning as well as teaching. She tends to be by the book and is known for being of one of the less morbid vampires. Even in her immortality, she tries to act as human as she can, never one for violence provided she finds a way to avoid it. Additionally, she's quite caring and kind, with a soft spot for all living creatures. Despite her softer nature, she is quite protective of the people she cares about. You may be able to cross her but it is not recommended to cross them. [u][b]Miscellaneous[/b][/u] [list] [*] Left behind not only a husband but a child when she was turned. [*] Knows a variety of languages, a good handful of them being ones lost to time unfortunately [*] Currently shares a home with Audrielle in the Special Zone [/list]