[CENTER][H2] Mandalore the Risen [/h2][/center] I don't look at Zar'kun. Instead, I stay focused on my Clan Chiefs. "Would anyone else like to voice their disagreement with how I lead or the company I keep?" I pause to allow them to reply, but none do. "Good to hear. You should all feel proud of your warriors today. When the Saxons showed their true colors, your men sprang into action and put a quick end to their insurrection. Now, all that's left is the cleanup. I expect all members of Clan Saxon to be tracked down as soon as possible. Now that their Allit'alor is dead, they have two options; swear loyalty to me or die like him." I turn away and begin to stalk off back down the hall. [CENTER][H2] Marcogar Wren [/h2][/center] I lift my blaster over my head. "All hail Te Motir Mand'alor!" The rest of the Clan Chiefs follow my lead, chanting 'Te Motir Mand'alor' over and over again, even after Mandalore has left the room.