[center][h2] Mandalore the Risen [/h2][/center] I wave my hand. “Granted. I need to go find HJ and make sure that bastard didn’t send any kids after him.” [center][h2] Jakito Twilight[/h2][/center] Meanwhile, during all of this chaos, Becca and I are visiting Korré in her room. While the new mother sits propped up in bed, Becca sits on a sofa close by, holding the newborn in her arms. I sit next to her and look down at the sleeping boy. “So, Valkorion, huh? Interesting name.” [center][h2] Korré[/h2][/center] I smile sheepishly. “I can’t remember how I came up with it, but I like it. Though I admit, it is a bit of a mouthful.” [center][h2] Jakito Twilight[/h2][/center] I shrug. “He could use a nickname. Like Val.” I think it over in my head. “Yeah, I like the sound of that.” You know, we never did catch your last name.” [center][h2] Korré[/h2][/center] “Hmm... I don’t know. I prefer his full name; Valkorion Durantus. Sounds quite noble, don’t you think?” [center][h2]Becca Twilight[/h2][/center] “Durantus? Is that your last name? I just realized you never told us that. It’s always just been Korré.” [center][h2] Korré[/h2][/center] “Well, that’s because Korré isn’t my real name. It’s my handmaiden name. You see, when Naboo girl enter the service of a noble woman, they abandon their birth names and take on handmaiden identities. My real name is Kordelia Durantus. But, as long as I serve Senator Naberrie, I know no other name but Korré.” Speaking of the senator, my holo communicator on the side table begins to beep, showing a transmission from Xan. “Ooh! I need to get that quick! I don’t want it to wake the baby!” I grab the holocomm and answer. "Yes, Mi'lay?" [center][h2] Xanthippe Naberrie[/h2][/center] I look very panicked. My hair is a mess, and I keep looking around, as if expecting someone to appear and attack at any moment. “ Korré! Stay where you are! I’m on my way!"