[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/cILISdu.png[/img] Homurahara Courtyard(Banquet of Kings), Academy [@BB] [@over Illusion] [@reallydumb] [/center] “Gahahaha! You must really be made of something sturdy there, Archer,” Rider mused as he noticed that the enemy was not felled by his assault like he had expected. Instead, the various swords had pierced his body, as if a reminder of his desire to protect his Master, sticking out from his body similar to a pincushion. “But how long will you be able to protect you Master, Hero?” Sword would meet arrow, staying their course away from Rider. He would not allow himself to be damaged by the filth before him; by the malignant tumor that would threaten his providence. The world was his; that meant that losing the Grail and Fuyuki would be an insult to Rider. And that insult could not stand. “YOU ARE MINE, ARCHER!” His power attempted to grab from his “territory”. The things his body was touching would be drained of power, and thus he would draw upon that power. To utilize what was “conquered” and turn it into a future conquest. To convert money from razing the greatest cities in the world, only to bring fortune to oneself. That was the true power of Timurlane, the greatest conqueror (Self-claimed). The man who would take from the world and grant himself the riches of the world. However, the “power” he was expecting never came to him, and thus, this arrow’s course was only knocked off course rather than completely away from Rider like the others. Though his armor was of the highest quality, even it could not completely defend him from such an attack, the shock of such crushing and waning through his body. “An interference? Geh, you are good, Hero. But playtime is over. You can't win! I am the greatest conqueror! I am the khan of destruction!” The sound of grinding metal against metal. The attack’s impact was no longer there, interlaced between it was a grotesque contortion of metal like a chromatic tumor. A wave of swords shot towards “Archer”, once again his Master’s life would be in trouble unless he was to defend against the barrage. In addition to this, the “razor storm” that once protected himself and his Master during the javelin barrage would once again be placed up to better protect him against the attacks levied against him. The Elephants were there for backup in the event that he took action against Rider. There was no way that Rider would lose. After all, he was the greatest. Even if he had to drag himself through the mud, he would never lose. That was the promise he had made. That is what it meant to take a country for oneself. Recover. Stay your course. [url=https://youtu.be/ePypW6n1egQ?t=210]Shoot him with your swords. [/url]