The next four years had gone extremely well for the three of them. Lucien was quite happy with the life he was living, and after they had achieved their goal of visiting all forty-eight states, he quite liked their new way of spontaneously choosing their next destination, it was fun in a way, and Aurel quite enjoyed doing so. Over the years some of Aurel's snake companions had come and gone, but the one that had first found him had always stuck by his side. The most notable addition to his friends had been a large yellow python that the younger man had stumbled upon when he was a little younger. The encounter had almost given Lucien a heart attack, seeing the constrictor snake having wrapped itself around the boy, but had meant him no harm. She had grown fond of him rather quickly, and had joined them on their journey. Honestly.. his connection with the creatures had always been a sight to behold over the years. Now Aurel was fifteen. He had grown plenty over the years, and there wasn't any sign of the young fragile child they had once found. He was growing taller, and while he still kept some of his smooth features, he was certainly more fit and well nourished, thanks to Faolan's training. The two had certainly grown a lot closer after all this time. Aurel's artistic skill had also increased over the years, though his style had grown to become more abstract. He was certainly skilled in drawing nature but.. he had never gotten the hang of drawing people. Perhaps it was how long he had spent in such settings. Lucien's eyes were watching the landscape pass them by until they had arrived at their crossroads. Aurel glanced at both directions as he let out a hum, trying to contemplate which way to go. Both directions looked relatively the same, so he wasn't sure where to choose this time. It was here that Lucien rose to his feet and stepped forward to lean over the seat. [color=burlywood]"Hmm, how about we change things up a bit, toss a coin?"[/color] He suggested, taking a quarter from his pocket. [color=burlywood]"Heads, right, Tails, left?"[/color] Aurel turned to look at Lucien before then shifting his gaze to Faolan. [color=#a7d3d4]"Sure! I honestly didn't know which way to pick. Both paths look the same."[/color] He said. Lucien wasted no time in tossing the coin into the air, and then swiftly catching it, before flipping it onto his hand. [color=burlywood]"Heads, right it is."[/color] He told Faolan with a grin.