[center][h1][color=cyan]Kanbaru Otoko[/color] [/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] The landing was a lot less graceful then she envisioned it. Her own meeting with the ground? Went flawlessly. The issue was the empty hood she held in one hand- Clair's, her brain unhelpfully offered- and that the pillar of ice meant to be crowned with a frozen motorcycle promptly had it's bulb of vehicle shatter, spraying them all with chips and chunks of ice she belatedly turned to steam after the fact. She had a suspicion they were all pretty durable and that a fall like that wouldn't kill Clair, assuming she didn't land on her neck, and it was with great relief the adventurer saved herself with a summoned Spirit. A very charming fox girl who had so much Ara Ara energy the bluenette had a moment to fear for Takara's innocence before she was staggered back, the power of the Corpse Collector withdrawing from her, returning her to her default mage state as the last of the renegade motorcycle dispersed. Then the cops arrived. Then Iona. All of whom were looking to her like she just attempted to assassinate the Student Council President. A bright spot was a plucky young girl she hadn't seen before whose cavalier attitude reminded Kanbaru of a less violent Chie and she greeted her with a grin in spite of the approaching law enforcement. [color=cyan]"Heh, would you believe me if I said the bike did that all itself? 'Cause I don't think the coppers will. I'm a totally safe driver when there isn't monsters about, but Hentai Tenshi over here seems to have pissed off my motorcycle into causing a few traffic accidents with her own reckless driving. Really, we're the victims here."[/color] Kanbaru said, blinking owlishly as Itsuko leaned in close...and promptly smacked Rose against her neck. [color=cyan]"Oh, that wasn't a bug. That was another party member. You okay, Rose?"[/color]