[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/672104492115951691/672104626681675796/Riki.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200205/46fdc0375b12b8ce83637e4516e57926.png[/img] [@Kestrel][@Shard][@Jangel13][@AdmrlStalfos19][@Not Fungus][/center] When the other members of Gang 13 arrived at the designated meeting place, they had a rather large, spacious basement under a cafe owned by the Rikimaru fully furnished with plush chairs, electronics, tables, beanbags, a large fridge; everything they could ever need. The first thing they would notice is that their young and...rowdy leader, Frieda Necromantia, was once again a no show. What else was new? She was infamous even amongst the Rikimaru for her chaotic and frankly rather insane take to things. It was probably for the best that she wasn’t here anyway, thought the ginger-haired girl that was seated at the head of a long table lined with around twenty cushioned wooden chairs on either side. Her usually unruly and long ginger hair that was commonly tied into two tails, was instead just the one long ponytail that ended just above a [img=https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-417e21fec9d80b31212efcc81ae41c98]black skirt[/img], a loose-fitting, long-sleeved [url=https://i2.wp.com/www.fashiondesignstore.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/19.4.jpg?fit=1200%2C1674&ssl=1]blue blouse[/url], that exposed a shoulder, with a orange sweater tied around her waist and black tights. She had already taken off her shoes and replaced them with more comfortable sneakers, which somewhat contrasted the far more ‘dressed to impress’ look the slender, well-endowed girl had gone with. She had been out shopping with friends when she had gotten the call to come in, dreading it all day. No one else could deal with Frieda, nor her gang for that matter. So the only one else willing to lead this group of misfits was the young girl seated right here and now. Gang 13 was one of the gangs charged with entering Zero Time and collecting Soul Essence, so naturally for one who wasn’t actually allowed in Zero Time, this sort of gathering was normally rather...troublesome and awkward for all those involved. She questioned sometimes why her grandfather didn’t move Frieda elsewhere, but suppose rules were rules...even archaic ones. Sprawled out on her chest on the table, Whina sighed, she snuck a glance slightly up to her right where Dunkas stood. The absolute mountain of a man standing off just to the side, because where else would he be? He had been following her all day, even during her day out with her friends from school. He at least had the decency to stay further back than usual...yet he still stuck out like a sore thumb at the clothing stores, earning strange, concerned looks from the customers and staff alike. Her face sunk back into her slender arms, sighing again. Just one night was all she wanted. Was that too much? She would scream in frustration right now, but she didn’t want to give Dunkas any more concerns than the protective man needed. Instead, she just waited to see who, or rather how many, from the gang would actually show up today. [hr] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/668735333034098711/672078785998356510/Aka.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200205/3e4f60d0754faf4d9abc0ae992656470.png[/img] [@Kestrel][@Indra][@Killy][/center] Hector Timothy Johnson, a man of renowned discipline, even amongst the Akechi he strove for perfection second only to his long-time friend, Touma Akechi. Though unlike his old friend, he knew there would always be bumps along the road to perfection…. Dark hair, cold brown eyes and clad in a collared shirt, hooded jumper and trousers, all of which were as dark as his hair and look, that didn’t do justice to his surprisingly strong build. Currently, he stood, conversing with the family head through the use of his telepathy magic, enhanced by what seemed to be a phone with a rather large and expensive gem sticking out of it. [color=BF4E48][i]“Understood sir, consider it done.”[/i][/color] Ending his call with Touma, Hector let out a sigh before sending out a mass message to his team through a similar telepathic link that he shared with Touma. [color=BF4E48]‘It’s a go. Meet at the usual, 1800 hours.’[/color] His brief message delivered, the man turned on his heels, well on his way to his team's meeting place. It would do no good for the Squad Leader to be late, no? He had a reputation to uphold. Their meeting place was simply a...well meeting room located on the outer residence. The kind that one would expect to be used for presentations and the like for businesses. It was a professional approach to things Hector believed, besides he and his elite squad only needed the small room to prepare for what would lay ahead at any rate. Naturally, he was the first to arrive, around half an hour early even. This allowed him time to dwell on the details that Touma had given him, as well as the details an intern from the Reconnaissance division now delivered to him and hurriedly dashed off without a word. Reaching into a pocket and retrieving his reading glasses, Hector poured over the information as he awaited his team’s full gathering. He expected them to be on time, otherwise, they themselves knew they were going to get an earful.