[@Gentlemanvaultboy] “O-Oh…” Christine paused her sobbing. As quickly as it went, her smile returned. “The girl from your school? And the one that appeared on TV? O-oh, you mean Lise? That’s her name, wasn’t it?” she asked her. “The one that invited us to the ball?” She turned the gears in her brain, trying to recall how she looked and sounded like. "Oh, her!" A lightbulb turned on in her brain. "Now, I remember!” “And yes, you sounded exactly like her, Sis!” She giggled. “It’s quite uncanny, really!” The way Kath did it, it made her attitude and pretense of nobility sound… comical, which Christine did not realize until she pointed it out by her mimicking the girl. “Oh, no problem, Sis! No problem at all! You don’t have to apologize in the slightest!” Christine returned her apology. “It’s me who overreacted after all!”