[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200129/2b530ba2297eea5b234b6eed58e3d1df.png[/img][/center] [i]Speaks in code?...[/i] “Do not disgrace the language of my people.” Vah’lux growled, trying to keep her composure in the presence of a perceived enemy a mere stones throw away. An honorless slaver race with little-to-no remorse for those kept under the watchful eye of their master. She despised their kind, but with good reason. At least, good enough reason of her own. “Half-blood or not, an Orc is still an Orc.” She turned her head and spat, as though ejecting the very words from her tongue. “The only curses I have are meant for you, poison-blood, and they can be very extensive.” The woman suddenly closed her eyes for a momentary pause, realizing the [i]rage[/i] within would do her no good in a prison such as what she found herself in. The supernatural strength and heightened abilities granted to her kind by the great one, Kavaki, during that time would be only wasted on futile attempts of revenge. No...the Orc will one day meet his end. But not now. “I hail from the honorable Kathaal tribe of great Goliath hunters, gatherers, and warriors.” She finally breathed out, opening her eyes once again as the anger within her began to subside, allowing for clarity of thought. “And I only conspire with those who would be a friend of the natural order of things. Beast or otherwise.” The Goliath let slip a slight grin. “However, the [i]unnatural[/i], the honorless, the half-breeds of this forsaken world, for they are the real abominations...”