That was a compelling argument. After all, despite what she sometimes said, Princess Eska didn't trust Princess Azora Howl at [i]all[/i]. And Azora Howl honestly gave Adila the creeps. Wait a moment! Was... was it possible that Princess Azora Howl had hypnotized Princess Eska!?! She didn't know why her brain had made that leap, or why she fixated on it so hard. She also didn't care! After all, Princess Eska had told her to not focus on weird contradictions like that too hard - the last time that it'd happened she'd almost hurt herself. But luckily, this time Princess Adila knew exactly what to do because Eska had told her - she didn't need to think at all! +Don't worry Kazelia, I'll take care of this,+ she thought confidently. She spread her wings and hurled herself back up to the platform with Princess Eska, heedless of the hidden ambush-bots. +Princess Eska,+ said Princess Adila. +I have reason to believe that Princess Azora Howl has hypnotized you.+