[color=6ecff6]"Really." [/color]The older man chuckled. He knew that Roxy came across gruff. She tended to growl more than talk. He figured she had a reason but he never pushed for her to tell him what they were. Roxy never pried into their past so he no reason to pry into hers. Now he wished that he knew a little more. It was clear the younger woman was struggling with having an empath in her life. [color=blue]"Wire frayed. It not that big of a deal. Easy enough to fix."[/color] Roxy replied as she removed the old wire. She handed it to Devika. [color=blue]"Put this in the tote that says sculpture."[/color] She used whatever she could. She figured if she was using it it wouldn't be rusting somewhere. She wasn't big into the environment but she didn't see the point of wasting something when she could use it. [color=blue]"Just a frayed wire. With a chair this old it happens. No biggie." [/color] [color=f49ac2]"How much do we owe?"[/color] Tilly asked softly. [color=blue]"You don't own me anything."[/color] Roxy assure them as she put the new wire in. [color=6ecff6]"Nonsense we have to pay you something." [/color]The old man insisted. [color=blue]"Next time you make an apple pie bring it by."[/color] Roxy replied with a shrug. She knew they would anyway. They always did. [color=blue]"Devika would enjoy having real food that she doesn't have to make."[/color]