[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191204/402d00244aede2589f630d4cd542ea0c.png[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/kc3BdW0/alexb.png[/img][/center] Before Ricky could respond to Alex taking his picture, however, the young man already had the other framed up, and took a few shots, figuring his subject wouldn’t really care either way. Sure, Ricky [i]did[/i] grab Alex’s shirt as though he was about to punch the art student in his pretty face, but the kid also wasn’t too phased by the jock’s idle threats. It wasn’t the first time, and it probably won’t be the last time. There was tension clearly between the two, but it really didn’t have to escalate any further than- Lana’s excited greeting almost made Alex jump, as he didn’t even see the girl running across the sand toward where the two were standing. Oddly enough, for a tiny introvert who is generally soft spoken, Alana Kingsley had a loud pair of lungs when she wanted to be heard. And heard she was. Of course, her showing up was no coincidence as Alex clearly knew by the fact that she addressed Ricky so quickly in order to divert his attention. Although it never made the scene any less awkward when two guys who really liked the same girl were standing next to one another. You just never knew what was going to happen as most can become raging neanderthals under the right conditions. Alex stepped back a bit from Ricky and smiled at Lana, gazing upon a beautiful face he could never get out of his mind even if he tried to. But why would he? They had something no one could ever break apart. Not with a thousand hammers smashing away at it or a fire setting the whole thing up in smoke. They had unconditional love. Or so they hoped.