[h2]Clarissa Sherman ~ Lumen[/h2] Night had fallen and the meeting had shifted to a patrol. Multiple powerful Hydes would definitely need multiple witches to fight them. Of course, for several to become that powerful...Clarissa tried not to think that it meant anyone was lax in her duties. More likely, these were smart to begin with, and carefully avoided notice. Like several of the others, Clarissa went out transformed. She wasted no time in activating her own sensory magic, and to her, night became as easy to see in as if it were day. She left her hearing alone for the moment, being in a group. The sounds of footsteps or conversation would likely drown out anything she'd really want to catch. When Lucilla suggested they use their skills, she was ready with a reply. "I'm already on it." As it turned out, her abilities were hardly needed. There were plenty of Hydes about in the district of London the coven had chosen for the evening. It didn't really look like the sort of place for a group of young ladies to be wandering unattended. Yet another casualty of the changing times. The hydes were behaving oddly, very oddly. Clarissa had never seen one simply leave its victim alone before. Something was...she dared not think unnatural...unusual about that behavior. "This isn't normal. Something else [i]must[/i] be going on." She kept her eyes and ears open for any sign of what that something might be. At Sophia's suggestion, she turned to Marilyn. "Let's go, before they get too much of a head start." She didn't really give Marylin much choice in the matte, already running off to give chase. [hr] [h2]Mary Anne Crewe ~ Blue Rose[/h2] The part of town they found themselves reminded Mary Anne of her childhood, and not in a good way. Drinking, poverty, plenty of easy marks wandering around. And hydes in profusion. Plenty of them silently fed on the petty misery of the locals. She'd never seen them just leave someone alone before, though. Mary Anne hadn't yet transformed, remaining in her normal identity while she might be seen by certain people who might recognize her. She would when she needed to, of course. "Not right is an understatement. What could even cause them to act that way?" She had a good guess. If there were some fully-developed ones around, they were probably how they hydes got organized. "I don't like it, though, so I'm glad I won't be going alone."