[center][h2][color=a187be]Nehir[/color][/h2][/center] [color=a187be]"Nefrena is right. After we register it's just a matter of collecting some equipment and renting horses."[/color] He said, heading towards the counter. He spared a look back at his companions, taking a quick account of how well off they looked. Milly was probably fine, even if her stuffed animal looked like it had seen better days. Nefrena however...that was a harder guess. If her weapon was any indication she was sitting pretty, but Nehir knew far too many adventurers in his day who blew their earnings on the shiniest piece of new equipment and barely saving anything back. There was such a thing as over investing in yourself. [color=a187be]"I've got enough to cover both of those by the way."[/color] He said, waving his hand to dismiss any concerns before they arose. [color=a187be]"Though it does mean that a portion of your share goes to covering that. The Stables require we pay up front, since we're high risk clients."[/color] He continued, tapping a finger to his chin as he broke down their expenses in his head. [color=a187be]"Milly and Raffy unfortunately are too heavy to share a horse, but me and Nefrena can do so comfortably and have some room left for the camping equipment....though we'll probably need help getting up them..."[/color] He said, more embarassed at the need for aid than the cost saving measure. When you weighed as much as someone else's armor, it kind of became inevitable that you'd be sitting in someone's lap in transit. At least this time he wouldn't be alone in the indignity. [color=a187be]"I can also put forward say... a weeks worth of trail rations between us, though if we stay longer it will be pay as we go. Anything else will unfortunately be a private expense....and be aware, if any other adventure's take this job that means the guild is obligated to give them an equal share. So if you do buy something for this I'd suggest being conservative."[/color] He concluded as he stepped up to the counter....rather literally. Thankfully the guild was nice enough to provide a step ladder for those too short to be seen over it normally. [color=a187be]"Heyo~"[/color] the nem man squeaked, waving the posting in an attempt to beacon the attendant over. [color=a187be]"We'd like to take on the orc slaying job!"[/color] [@1Charak2][@Rune_Alchemist]