Agatha winced and quickly shuffled out of the room. As she walked, her mind tumbled through thoughts as she processed the current situation. Her first instinct was to get angry at Barrel for using her [i]again[/i], but that didn't... quite make sense. The longer she had been distracted and kept out of the shop, the harder it was for Carver to contain her laughter. Barrel had shown off his strength when he saw them approaching, but he didn't even start showing signs of amusement until they returned and her aunt had begun scolding her. Was... Was it possible? Could it be that he really hadn't known she was being set up? The teen witch silently took her place at the cauldron, ignoring Agnes' questioning glance. Now that she thought about it, all the times recently that she could think of where her feelings for the tallest trickster had been used against her, someone else had always instigated it. When she'd been distracted by her gaze locking onto Barrel's, [i]Shock[/i] was the one who tripped him into her. Even when the swamp gas had gone off -- no, been [i]set[/i] off -- he looked surprised and even a little bit worried when Shock and Carver had come in with the scorpion parts. He'd changed the subject real quick too, rather than playing it casual or something. Like he thought he wasn't actually supposed to be there... Agatha frowned in thought as she stirred the current brew. Then she slowly smiled. Of [i]course[/i]! He wasn't just helping her get out of the shop to get her out of the way, he legitimately wanted to make sure she was okay! His siblings had just... just [i]manipulated[/i] the whole thing to make use of how much he cared for her! Her wrinkled little heart swelled with pleasure, even as it shriveled in suppressed rage toward Shock and Carver. She almost bounced in place. He [i]liked[/i] her!