[hider=Locations] [color=gold][h3]Guild House[/h3][/color] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dungeon-ni-deai-o-motomeru/images/1/1d/Guild_Anime.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20150810113507[/img] The main building of the Guild is called the Pantheon. It is a wide space with counters for adventurers to talk with their advisors and also has a exchange area for stones dropped by monsters. There are multiple meeting boxes where adventurers can talk one on one with their advisor without anyone else hearing them. Attached to the main building is a hall of records that stores information on everything regarding the dungeon from active familias to maps of each explored level of the dungeon. The main goal of the Guild is to manage the monster threat created in the dungeon and mediate between familias that have disputes. Aside from this, the Guild buys magic stones and adventurer created maps of the dungeon with the price dependent on the rarity and power of the creature. The Guild also provides weapons and armor to new adventurers who are just starting out, typically basic iron weapons and leather armor. The Guild staff also take the position of advisors for adventurers, often suggesting at what depth an adventurer should go in a dungeon in accordance to their level and skills, as well as warning them of any special dangers of certain floors and how to prepare against them. A staff member may be in charge of one or more adventurers. [color=gold][h3]Tower of Volkrun[/h3][/color] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dungeon-ni-deai-o-motomeru/images/e/eb/Babel.png/revision/latest?cb=20150810114547[/img] The tower was built after the emergence of the dungeon in Rezion and is owned by the Guild. The first twenty floors are filled with Familia business, facilities, and money exchanges. Above that are living areas of the most prominent Gods in Rezion, known as the Private Rooms. There are some gods who prefer to live with their children, the most prominent being the goddess Athena. [h3]Dungeon[/h3] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dungeon-ni-deai-o-motomeru/images/2/29/Early_Floors.png/revision/latest?cb=20160306194157[/img] The dungeon is a complex labyrinth of unknown length underneath the Tower of Volkrun. The Dungeon is seemingly alive, spawning monsters from walls and ceilings and repairing itself on its own. It has an immense hatred of the Gods, immediately sealing the exits of a room if it detects one, and spawns a black version of a monster in order to kill them. The black monsters are far stronger than normal and display some intelligence, as the Black Wyvern looked around for its target. Despite this, it doesn't spawn another black monster after the first one is killed even if the God in question isn't dead. The dungeon is vast with the floors becoming progressive larger the deeper it gets. It takes at least five days for a party to reach the 50th floor. While the upper floors can be soloed or done with a pair, starting from the middle floors one must create a party or risk death. There are several safety points in the dungeon where no monsters are born. The closest one being floor 17 that resembles an ocean-front. [h3]Monster Colosseum[/h3] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dungeon-ni-deai-o-motomeru/images/b/bb/Colosseum.png/revision/latest?cb=20160114234209[/img] The Monster Colosseum is where non-adventurers can go to watch brave gladiators fight monsters. Due to the largest area in the center, it is often used for large festivals and other kind of performances that require a large stage. Fights between adventurers occur during tournaments, in which the grand prize is a large sum of Valis and a rare item. [h3]The Heavenly Baths[/h3] A location in the upper floors of Valkrun, it is a extravagant bath house that is reserverd exclusively for the gods. The punishment for mortals entering the baths is quite severe. [h3]Main Street[/h3] The largest street in Rezion that lead directly from the guild house to the Tower of Valkrun at the center of the city. Many merchant stalls and stores are set up along this street in hopes of drawing in adventurers either before or after their venture into the dungeon. [h3]Rezion Shipyards[/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/CmmxhVb.jpg[/img] A large district filled with several docks and several warehouses, many adventures of the Poseidon Familia are hired onto vessels to protect them from monster attacks. Everything from large cargo ships to small sailing boats can be found here. It is also host the Poseidon Familia's own fleet of ships. [h3]The Titled Orc[/h3] A tavern on the main street of Rezion that is often frequently by adventurers. The owner is said to be a retired level 6 adventurer so very few people ever skip out on their bills. Since it is favorited by both the Anubis and Athena Familias, it is the only place the two rivals seem to get along. [h3]Barrel's Edge[/h3] The opposite side of the coin in comparission to The Titled Orc, Barrel's Edge is often a hang-out for the lower end of society mostly including criminals and other ruffians. Brawls are frequent in this tavern, with the loser having to pay the other's bill. [/hider][hider=Familias] [h3]Athena[/h3] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fb/9c/fb/fb9cfbc151e8f8fe0d3d00839d7d85bc.png[/img] The biggest and most successful familia in Rezion in regards to fighting the monsters in the dungeon, the Athena Familia possess some of the strongest adventurers in all of Rezion. Adventurers wishing to join this familia must be as cunning as they are strong. Their success in clearing the floors of the dungeon are thanks to their complex formations made up of simpler parts. The goddess Athena is often said to be tough but fair on her children. The Athena Familia's compound holds a large library that is open to all familias. [h3]Poseidon[/h3] [img]http://i66.tinypic.com/14972g1.png[/img] The Poseidon Familia has an almost complete monopoly on sea-based monster quests, as their members are often the best suited for such an adventure. While they do go on expeditions into the dungeon, they mostly keep the waters safe of monsters with their large fleet of ships designed for combat. Poseidon himself is a bit of womanizer at times but treats all of his children equally, often taking interest in the growth of newer members. [h3]Aphrodite[/h3] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3e/e3/ec/3ee3ec9cf13a979f0b25439984877be0.jpg[/img] Members of the Aphrodite Familia are often some of the most beautiful and handsome adventurers in Rezion. Perfumes and clothing produced by the Aprhodite familia are of the highest quality and extremely sought after. Fighting with 'grace' is perhaps one of the largest tenets of this familia. The goddess Aphrodite will often try to lure handsome and/or beautiful adventurers from other familias into joining hers. [h3]Baldur[/h3] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/118198469/large.png[/img] A great sense of duty to the common people tie together the members of the Baldur Familia. They hold several charities across the city of Rezion and do their best to promote understanding to the citizens of the city. Every two months a different festival is hosted by the Baldur Familia and is one of the most anticipated events of the year within Rezion. Adventurers of the Baldur Famiia will often help new adventurers in the dungeon no matter of their familia. [h3]Kagu-Tsuchi[/h3] [img]https://myanimelist.cdn-dena.com/s/common/uploaded_files/1462936883-861f65580e45abc0a883e811eb9ab313.png[/img] A familia consisting of the greatest smiths in Rezion, the equipment they make is highly desirably and the top-tier stuff is incredibly strong but incredibly expensive. Smiths of the Kagu-Tsuchi familia will often accompany other familias on major expeditions to keep their equipment in good shape. They are probably the wealthiest familia in Rezion. Weapons and armor created by Kagu-Tsuchi himself are believed to be priceless. [h3]Anubis[/h3] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/b104/th/pre/i/2014/071/0/4/egyptian_god_anubis_by_ifiercefang-d79w5t3.png[/img] The second-strongest adventuring familia in Rezion, though not by much. They are in constant rivalry with the Athean Familia and it is not uncommon for the two familias to get into verbal fights. Despite this, they hold a significant place with all familias due to setting up quality funerals for the adventurers who die. Despite his fearsome appearance, the god Anubis is quite smothering of his children. [h3]Isis[/h3] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/43/e4/1e/43e41ecc13f5558d673bea3f2a4aa6e5--egyptian-mythology-egyptian-art.jpg[/img] A familia that specializes in creating a wide range of healing items and medicine, adventurers who are critically injured are often healed by members of the Isis Familia once out of the dungeon. It is a rumor that the Isis Familia can cure anything that ails you and have the power to even bring back the dead. This, of course, is not entirely true but the rumor has refused to stop. The goddess Isis is kind and gentle, acting like a nurturing mother to her children. [/hider]